How do we plan for just, equitable and healthy mobility solutions? It builds on existing planning practice and takes due consideration of, encourages the adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) by local authorities across Europe, rewarding outstanding achievements. It also has an agreement to house 75 internationals temporarily at a local hostel while they search. Bij ruimtelijke ontwikkelingen staan de stationsgebieden meer in de belangstelling. In de afgelopen jaren zijn er verschillende regionale mobiliteitsprogramma’s en investeringen in de nationale wegen uitgevoerd. Copyright © 2014-2023 | Letzte Aktualisierung 25/01/2023, Funded by the European Commission's Directorate General for Mobility and Transport. written by Mesal Hikmet. Geladen werden sie hauptsächlich über Nacht. Der Begriff der "Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans" (SUMP) wird im deutschsprachigen Raum in der Regel mit "Stadtmobilitätsplänen" oder "nachhaltigen urbanen Mobilitätsplänen" gleichgesetzt. Eligibility: Student enrolled in any BA/MA programme at an Utrecht network institution. Bij een Green Deal gaat het om concrete duurzame initiatieven, waarbij barrières verdwijnen, innovaties ontwikkeld, gefinancierd en toegepast worden en duurzame kansen worden benut. The main focus will be on public transport, walking and cycling. Doordat de provincie werkzaamheden in één keer oppakt, kan zij meerdere belangen meenemen. Um eine noch bessere und klimafreundliche Mobilität zu erreichen , werden die übergeordneten Maßnahmen des Mobilitätskonzept Heilbronn 2030 auch zukünftig immer wieder geprüft und … If you put all these elements next to one another, you will end up with something that resembles a barcode. With a ring around the city, many travellers will no longer need to pass through Utrecht Central Station. And buildings that house schools, gyms, offices, homes, shops, healthcare practices and theatres. It reduces the administrative burden for the Transport desk of the Enterprise and its Operators, with streamlined workflows and responsive … To what extent will electric vehicles provide a sustainable form of transportation? Improve this listing. Nor do we want to. Der Verband … Construction of the first route between Utrecht and Amersfoort will start at the end of 2020. Next, the district is characterized by a mixed energy infrastructure. Utrecht will always be a beautiful city with a lot going on. The Cartesius Utrecht, a former marshalling yard of the Dutch Railways, will be transformed into a new residential neighbourhood. The district is characterised by a variety of energy infrastructure, the majority of which was installed in decades ago and has become obsolete. /info-voor-en-over-nieuwer-ter-aa. Sports fields that can also serve as a space to temporarily store water. A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is a strategic plan designed to satisfy the mobility needs of people and businesses in cities and their surroundings for a better quality of life. July 16, 2021 local council, public transport, future, Utrecht. As part of this strategy, we drew up a mobility vision for the Merwedekanaal zone (one of Utrecht's inner city development locations). In addition, there is a need to make the district heating network (DHN) more energy and cost effective, f.e. Rotation. A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is a strategic plan designed to satisfy the ... SUMP for the city of Utrecht. It builds on existing planning practice and takes due consideration of integration, participation, and evaluation principles. Between 2015 and 2017 Utrecht and it’s regional partners, carried out the action plan 'User-centred mobility’ under the national programme 'Optimising Use'. Image Credit: © GoodMan_Ekim/ - no permission to re-use image(s) without separate licence from Shutterstock. A city that has everything you need close by. Smart Routes, Smart Management, Smart Urban Planning. 64 Reviews. Zwei Buslinien mit insgesamt 13 Fahrzeugen fahren derzeit schon elektrisch und werden bidirektional geladen, das heißt sie können den gespeicherten Strom auch wieder ins Netz zurückspeisen und dieses so stabilisieren. When inner-city densification takes place in the existing city, it is particularly desirable to accommodate this growth in mobility without sacrificing physical space in the city. We are prioritising clean ways to travel that take up less space, such as walking, cycling and public transport. Tenslotte is er in de Mobiliteitsvisie te lezen wat de provincie van andere overheden verwacht om de gezamenlijke doelen te realiseren. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 774199. Other routes between Utrecht and IJsselstein, Veenendaal and Woerden, will be constructed in the … If we need to build in this area after 2035, we will make sure we create a sustainable neighbourhood with room for work, sports, culture and leisure. Online panel: what is the future of public transport in the Bay Area. System change in public transport 3. Is een weg aan de beurt voor onderhoud? Commercial and individual values typically prevail in this process. De provincie wil meer regionaal verbindende buslijnen. Utrecht Attractive and Accessible: Smart Routes, Smart Management, Smart Urban Planning Hier komt tekst Hier komt ook tekstA SUMP for Utrecht. Regardless of whether you are rich or poor, employed or unemployed, disabled or need care. Utrecht University says it made strides to increase student housing in the area. Hierbij kiezen we voor het inzetten van nieuwe technologieën en psychologische inzichten. We are contributing some of this amount ourselves, but the rest has to come from elsewhere: the Province of Utrecht, national government, the European Union, businesses and inhabitants. As the aim of this plan is to reduce polluting emissions and road traffic, the emphasis is placed on encouraging alternatives to private cars . Route Lyon - Zijderveld. For example, the bicycle budget for Paris (ten times larger than Utrecht) was 150 million euro. All of which is reason enough … Although Utrecht is very densely populated, the city has the highest rate of PV-systems installed in the Netherlands (10 MWp, 2015). Animation shows sustainable urban plan of Merwede with car-free area – video. The city wants the number of PV-systems to grow from 4.000 in 2015 to 10.000 in 2020. To start with, until 2035, the Rijnenburg polder will be used to generate energy and as a space to exercise, relax and spend time in nature. Dat is een grote uitdaging waar we ons voor inzetten. journal of perioperative nursing; sqs send message batch limit Tuesday: workshop 10-17, social activity, dinner for participants. The Winner of the 7th SUMP Award in 2019 was, Supporting the transition towards competitive and resource-efficient, European Commission's award for sustainable urban, Find out more about the European Platform, SUMP monitoring tool supporting the implementation of mobility measures in the functional urban area of Brno, Tampere is the winner of the 10th SUMP Award, Kosovar city of Mitrovica South nominated as finalist of 10th SUMP Award, SUMP-PLUS: Carbon Reduction Strategy Support Tool, Policy Brief on Urban Mobility Adaptation to Climate Change, ReVeAL toolkit to develop good practice UVARs. The roofs of the district’s buildings will be filled with greenery or solar panels, which would cover three hectares if put side to side. Energiepreise The apartments are poorly insulated and have a typical energy label E-F. Für realistisch hält er eine energetische Eigenversorgung des Stadtviertels von 60 Prozent, wenn dort alle verfügbaren Hausdachflächen genutzt werden. z The Mobility Master Plan z The Public Space Master Plan Additionally, in 1998 the Urban Development Institute realized the need to formulate a Bike Path Master Plan. The Merwedekanaal zone will be a complete city district that is a model of healthy and sustainable living: with innovative applications of reuse, energy generation, climate adaptation and innovative mobility solutions. He said: “By having this car-free area, we can design spaces without the straitjacket rules of the car, and thus focus on essentials for a high-density area, which is the quality of public space, city on eye level, green, biodiversity, climate adaptation and meeting places for social interaction.”. Action Plan is a tangible result of the policy paper of Utrecht Attractive and Accessible (UAA). UAA focuses on achieving the right balance between accessibility, attractiveness and livability by 2030. The municipality of Utrecht is growing and city traffic is on the increase, but space is limited. Mobility plan Ghent University pursues an integrated mobility policy, making the campuses easily accessible, increasing traffic safety and reducing the environmental impact of staff and student … Alle aanbestedingen voor wegwerkzaamheden besteedt de provincie duurzaam uit. Animation shows sustainable urban plan of Merwede with car-free area – video Daniel Boffey in Brussels Sun 15 Mar 2020 05.27 EDT Last modified on Mon 16 Mar 2020 07.40 EDT EQUIMOB EQUIMOB believes that interdisciplinary collaborations and innovative approaches are necessary to reduce inequalities and make urban transport inclusive for the vulnerable population in India and Bangladesh. And how do we measure the results of mobility experiments? De Mobiliteitsvisie (pdf, 17 MB) bevat de langetermijndoelen om de verbindende knooppuntpositie van de provincie Utrecht goed te laten functioneren. A city of knowledge with well-educated people. Find out more about the European Platform. Utrecht: city ambitions • Ambition sustainable urban mobility plan: change modal split • Strong urban growth →growth transportation demand car, transit and bicycle • Usage of space all … Do we build at ground level? In October 2021, the Utrecht City Council approved the plans for the Merwede district. The Utrecht FIWARE lab accelerates the development of these new data services. Powervault vertreibt die Heimspeicher in Kombination mit Photovoltaik-Dachanlagen. Tampere is the winner of the 10th … The number of people living in our city is on the rise: Today, 350,000 people call Utrecht home, and in 20 years’ time, that number will grow to around 455,000. Introduced in 2017 by the European Commission, SUMI indicators help cities... is a strategic plan designed to satisfy the, needs of people and businesses in cities and their surroundings for a better, . Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de lokale buurtbus en de regiotaxi. Ziel ist es auch, die Photovoltaik in der Stadt weiter voranzubringen, um die E-Autos möglichst flächendeckend solar tanken zu können. E-mail:, Provinciaal adviseur ruimtelijke kwaliteit, Mobiliteitsprogramma 2019 - 2023 (pdf, 7,8 mb, Our energy needs will grow with the number of inhabitants, visitors and businesses in our city. Find out more about the European Platform. As a result, the focus is on walking, cycling and public transport. This is typical for Utrecht in the sense that it is provided with heat, domestic hot water and cooking gas by a mixture of district heating (30%, which is relatively much when compared to 4% average in the Netherlands) in combination with natural gas pipelines (70%). The Austrian Traffic Club published recommendations about reducing waste and emissions from cars, while increasing access … Lees meer over deze cookies. The European Commission's award for sustainable urban mobility planning encourages the adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) by local authorities across Europe, rewarding outstanding achievements. 7417 BJ Deventer, Postbus 161 Supporting the transition towards competitive and resource-efficient mobility systems in Europe's cities. Image Credit: © julia.m/ - no permission to re-use image(s) without separate licence from Shutterstock. Firstly, we studied future mobility in the Merwedekanaalzone, a study that examines the strategic mobility questions from the environmental vision for the Merwedekanaalzone. A space was initially provided for every two households, but car ownership has fallen over time, and many of spaces now lie empty. Utrecht University aims to contribute to sustainable mobility solutions that are good for people and the environment. To ease the load, we are creating urban centres in other locations around the city. De Mobiliteitsvisie (pdf, 17 MB) bevat de langetermijndoelen om de verbindende … Jouw meetings makkelijker en effectiever. Home to 340.000 inhabitants, Utrecht is the fourth municipality in the Netherlands. How can we ensure that these platforms contribute to public values in the city? In this study, we address why certain effects … Um die E-Mobilität und das E-Carsharing voranzubringen setzt die Stadtverwaltung auch stark auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Wohnungsbaugesellschaften und Quartiersentwicklern, wie Lot van Hooydonk, Stadtrat für Mobilität unterstreicht. Vinpearl. The Utrecht lighthouse district Kanaleneiland Zuid is situated in the Utrecht Centre-West area, just south-west of the beautiful historic city center and the Utrecht Central Station. Selection criteria: Motivation. The city favors solar panels at all suitable roofs and clears the way for solar fields. Utrecht University aims to contribute to sustainable mobility solutions that are good for people and the environment. A year after the implementation of the traffic circulation plan in Gent, Transport & Mobility Leuven conducted an extensive analysis of its effects. In Norwegen ist den Kommunen freigestellt, eine Bettensteuer einzuführen. At the same time, we need to make sure that our CO₂ emissions keeps going down. Dan worden alle verkeersveiligheidsaspecten van die weg onder de loep genomen. Hierin staat staat welke acties op de lange en korte termijn nodig zijn. Then you are very welcome to our exchange programme Co-Design Studio. Het toenemend gebruik van elektrische fietsen leidt tot meer ouderen op fietspaden en langere rijafstanden. Route Calais - Zijderveld. The masterplan for 2,600 homes, a large central park, a … Das Unternehmen setzt nun auf sogenanntes Smart Charging so Electric Vehicle Program Direktor Eric Feunteun. Image Credit: © GoodMan_Ekim/ - no permission to re-use image(s) without separate licence from Shutterstock. The European Commission (EC) plans to launch an antitrust investigation into Microsoft Teams, according to sources cited by Politico. Die viertgrößte Stadt der Niederlande macht vor, was jetzt schon in punkto Elektromobilität, Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung möglich ist: Bidirektionales solares Laden, E-Carsharing, E-Busse, das weltweit größte Fahrradparkhaus und vieles mehr. Mathijs Kok, Municipality of Utrecht, Central government and the municipality of Utrecht expect the city to have more than 400,000 inhabitants between 2025 and 2030; a growth of approximately 17% compared to 2017. Politico reports that the EC intends to investigate whether Microsoft thwarts competitors by tying Teams to other Office applications. SAVE $845.04 *. Notre application vous propose les cartes Michelin et des itinéraires avec le trafic en temps réel, la Navigation GPS avec guidage vocal et des alertes communautaires . The new-build Merwede district of 6,000 homes is expected to be serviced by about 20,000 bicycles. Ghent has five restricted traffic areas with a permit system and access policy. Rijkswaterstaat Utrecht. Do we build underground? Goudappel was involved in both studies. The second study was about the Mobility Concept for Merwede (on which Goudappel worked together with Rebel). De Nederlandse overheid wil compacter worden en tegelijkertijd slagvaardiger zijn. Er is daarom meer educatie om tot veiliger verkeersgedrag te komen. The European Commission's award for sustainable urban mobility planning encourages the adoption of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) by local authorities across Europe, rewarding outstanding achievements. Jun 2 . Dat geldt voor de aanbesteding van het openbaar vervoer. Billions of euros are needed for these new plans for the future of the city. The Utrecht lighthouse demonstration will address the following challenges: Utrecht Lighthouse approach: how to meet the district challenges. Met het flexibele Mobiliteitsprogramma kan de provincie Utrecht inspelen op veranderende omstandigheden en zich aansluiten bij samenwerkingsverbanden. The Dutch city built the Netherlands’ first bike lane in 1885 and last year it unveiled the world’s largest multistorey bike park area with space to accommodate 12,500 bicycles of all shapes and sizes. Construction on the first homes is expected in 2022. Hierop staan feiten en cijfers over: Aan de hand van de informatie uit het dashboard kunnen we beoordelen hoe het Mobiliteitsprogramma ervoor staat en of er aanleiding voor het bijsturen van maatregelen. Utrecht is very consistent in its sustainable energy policy. The quality of what we build will also be higher if we take things slow. European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. How can we encourage the upscaling of successful experiments? In Europa: Italien, Slowakei, Ungarn, Malta, Spanien, Niederlande, Tschechien, Slowenien, Polen und in der Türkei. Utrecht Controller in de Zorg. Het openbaar vervoer is vraaggericht, zowel in omvang van de vraag als het aanbod. We geven extra aandacht aan de zichtbaarheid van de overgang van buiten naar binnen de bebouwde kom en aan conflicten tussen landbouwverkeer en fietsers op parallelwegen. 25 davon sind mittlerweile in dem Viertel montiert Unter dem Slogan „We Drive Solar“ sind über 30 Renault Zoe als Car-Sharing-Fahrzeuge im Einsatz, die per PV-Dachanlagen geladen werden und wieder zurückspeisen können. Taxes extra. We combine technical knowledge with knowledge of behavioural and governance processes to come to new and effective insights. Read more. Algorithmic Studio Digital platforms increasingly influence urban dynamics. 5.126 tot 7.493 32 - 40 uur. Our commitment to being climate-neutral will not only benefit the environment but also ensure a liveable and sustainable future. In addition, stationary storage will be provided district-wide, including 2nd life batteries. Development of the hub for the Merwedekanaal zone. There is also plenty of room for creative activity. We are starting with the roads, as we need those to start building homes and offices as soon as possible. The Ghent mobility plan has proved that radical change is possi - ble. The Dutch Water Line is set to become our new city wall, and we will build new landmarks to represent our city like the Dom Tower does today. Eight apartment buildings are now using gas for heating and hot water; hybrid electric heating will be demonstrated instead. Beide Städte sind vom International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) unter den 20 „Electric vehicle capitals of the world” gelistet. Renault ist zu 25 Prozent an dem Start-up beteiligt. The Winner of the 7th SUMP Award in 2019 was Greater Manchester – find out more here. The results of these mobility studies will be used to draw up part 2 of the Environmental Vision: the so-called Elaboration Plan. Broekman said he and his collaborators had been inspired by smaller-scale projects in Paris and a 600-home development in Amsterdam’s Gemeente Waterleiding district, but that he believed the scale of the project was unique. De provincie Utrecht neemt eventuele milieueffecten mee om te wegen in de keuzes die worden gemaakt in het Mobiliteitsplan. The new hubs are Central Leidsche Rijn, Papendorp, Westraven, Lunetten-Koningsweg, Overvecht and the Utrecht Science Park (the area around the university). En welke route er wordt gereden en hoe sluit dat aan op ander vervoer? Bespaar uren aan voorbereidingen van de agenda en het organiseren van de aanlevering van documenten. MOBIMON The Netherlands is an accessibile country, but not everybody enjoys the same degree of accessibility. What is the impact of new mobility services (i.e. … „Wir arbeiten hierbei in den Niederlanden schon mit zwei lokalen Netzbetreibern zusammen“, sagt Jedlix-Chef Ruben Benders. The analysis looked at the limits of what is possible within the framework of current policy. Omdat het programma loopt tot 2028, vraag het meer tijd dan één coalitieperiode. A Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan is a strategic plan designed to satisfy the mobility needs of people and businesses in cities and their surroundings for a better quality of life. That’s exactly what we are calling it: the barcode for the development of our city. Design and Development: CERTH - Information Technologies Institute, #1 Renewables And Energy Positive Districts, #2 Flexible Energy Management and Storage, CERTH - Information Technologies Institute. Utrecht UniversityHeidelberglaan 83584 CS UtrechtThe NetherlandsTel. gebruikt cookies om de website gebruiksvriendelijker te maken. A city teeming with history. Image Credit: © Elvira Koneva/ - no permission to re-use image(s) without separate licence from Shutterstock. The investigation is based on a 2020 complaint by Slack. There is room here for more than 6,000 to 9,000 new dwellings. For high penetration of renewable electricity, increasing the flexibility of the electricity grid is essential. UU-researcher Toon Meelen and colleagues conducted an internet ethnography of a large virtual community that formed around the Electric Vehicle (EV). The results are shared with the Municipality of Rotterdam in order to help them formulate better mobilities policies in the future. De resultaten worden betrokken bij de definitieve vaststelling van het plan. Creating a circular mobility plan for Austria. European Commission's award for sustainable urban mobility planning. This calls for demonstrating extensive and innovative citizen engagement methods, resulting in citizens who understand, trust and use the integrated energy and mobility solutions offered in their homes and district. Launch of T.T.#3 activities on Smart e-mobility (UTR) Work Package: WP5: Utrecht Lighthouse City demonstration activities Task: T5.5 Demonstrating Transition Track #3: Smart e-mobility Lead Beneficiary: LOM Due Date: 31 September 2019 (M24) Submission Date: 17 January 2020 (M28) Deliverable Status: Final Deliverable Style: R + DEMON How do we make sure that mobility solutions address both environmental and socioeconomic problems, thereby covering as wide a range of public values as possible? We want to make sure that our city is a healthy and enjoyable place for these people to live and work. Read more on the official website of UMC Utrecht or watch the video (Dutch). It builds on existing planning practice and takes due consideration of integration, participation, and evaluation principles. Denk aan de verbreding van fietspaden, verlichting, slimmer ingestelde verkeerslichten en het aanleggen van ongelijkvloerse kruisingen zoals fietstunnels en viaducten en ontbrekende routes. Home > Uncategorized > utrecht mobility plan. Data based services for integrated urban district planning, as well as an urban ICT platform based on open specifications can be major enablers to manage the successful transformation towards intelligent, user-driven and demand-oriented infrastructures and information services, at household, district and city level. Das erleichtert nicht…. $25.71 per month. From fuel to public transport, from shared car to parking and from airline ticket to hotel. It is the fastest growing city in the country, and expects to have 400.000 inhabitants in 2025. Landownership becomes a key factor as the mobility concept can only become a success if all landowners on a project site endorse the mobility plan—and are willing to pay … European Commission's award for sustainable urban mobility planning. The Spatial Agenda also includes a request to investigate whether 10,000 homes can be built in a responsible and healthy manner. De fiets is populairder dan ooit. The buildings and three schools will all be covered with PV and will be provided by district wide power storage by means of bidirectional solar/wind powered V2G batteries from 14 shared WeDriveSolar V2G e-cars, 4 V2G e-vans and 10 V2G e-buses. Machen Sie 6–10 Wiederholungen. $ 0 down % APR. It builds on existing planning practice and takes due consideration of integration, participation, and evaluation principles. Hans-Christoph Neidlein. by using lower temperatures and sustainable biomass to fuel the district heating system. We work on this every day during patient care, through scientific research and through education. We are removing as many obstacles as possible from the environment around the city to connect the city and the green landscape. The Winner of the 7th SUMP Award in 2019 was Greater Manchester – find out more here. Zukunft Mobilität hat den PUNKT 2012 der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech) in der Kategorie "Multimedia" gewonnen. Werk eenvoudig samen met notities, opiniepeilingen en notulen van vergaderingen. Het gaat om bewustwording van eigen (onveilig) gedrag en het aanleren van veilig gedrag. Das Fahrzeug wird, wenn es zu Hause steht, nicht zur Stoßzeit am frühen Abend geladen, sondern zeitversetzt, wenn die Stromnachfrage geringer ist. Utrecht, some facts In the … The Merwedekanaal zone will not only be a place for pleasant living, but will also function as a new connecting link between the surrounding neighbourhoods. This Utrecht Network initiative is coordinated by the … Ab 2030 sollen keine neuen Fahrzeuge mit Benzin- oder Dieselmotoren mehr zugelassen werden. Near Utrecht Central Station, we are encouraging development around Beurskwartier, Jaarbeurs, along the Merwede Canal and in the Cartesius Triangle. Contrary to the common situation in Europe, the district heating system is not in hands of a public company, but privately owned by lighthouse partner Eneco. Kommunen wie Amsterdam und Utrecht treiben diese Entwicklung voran und machen vor, was jetzt schon in punkto E-Mobilität, Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung möglich ist. This is in line with the current Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and the ambitions relating to healthy air quality. Noise barriers that double as solar cells. The district has a poor energy profile. lucca summer festival 2022 location. Between 2015 and 2017 Utrecht and it’s regional partners, carried out the action plan 'User-centred mobility’ under the national programme 'Optimising Use'. Maar ook voor de wegenaanpak kiest de provincie geluidsbeperkende maatregelen. The plan is one of the first developments in the Netherlands to focus on an ambitious mobility concept with the hub as its central element. The PV-systems, storage systems and electric vehicles will be interconnected by means of energy management and monitoring systems at building and district level, so that shortages and surpluses of energy are identified and may be exchanged, reducing the energy transition costs for all. General principles of the restricted traffic area. Nackenmobilität (3 Übungen) Beugung/Dehnung – Pressen Sie das Kinn auf die Brust und heben Sie dann das Kinn soweit wie möglich. USS2040 is an outline document. The diversity in stakeholders and the crucial role of citizens as enablers of the energy transition, especially in the low-income and multicultural district Kanaleneiland Zuid, require co-creation and attractive and inclusive services that support them in their own objectives to engage, express ownership, and behaviour change. In the … This concerns, for example, an average parking standard of 0.7 parking spaces per dwelling. Policy documents (Utrecht ’ s policies for mobility and planning, 2004 – 2020) 9 a Project documentation (environmental assessment, mobility concept, urban plan, and market consultation) 8 We’d love to work with you! An evaluation report published in May 2019 showed that the use of sustainable modes of transport has noticeably … Main Menu. Dit doen we door de wegen aan te passen, maar ook door in te zetten op educatie en gedragsverandering. Het moet laagdrempelig zijn en voldoen aan de verwachtingen van de reiziger. The Winner of the 7th SUMP Award in 2019 was, Supporting the transition towards competitive and resource-efficient, European Commission's award for sustainable urban, Find out more about the European Platform, SUMP monitoring tool supporting the implementation of mobility measures in the functional urban area of Brno, Tampere is the winner of the 10th SUMP Award, Kosovar city of Mitrovica South nominated as finalist of 10th SUMP Award, SUMP-PLUS: Carbon Reduction Strategy Support Tool, Policy Brief on Urban Mobility Adaptation to Climate Change, ReVeAL toolkit to develop good practice UVARs. Through our transdisciplinary research we combine complex challenges including spatial design, governance, ecology, innovation, equity, social inclusion and health.

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