Im deutschsprachigen Raum werden Basel , Berlin , Flughafen Bremen , Dresden , Flughafen Erfurt-Weimar , Düsseldorf , Köln , Leipzig , Frankfurt , Hamburg , Hannover , München , … Use Tailwind's @apply directive to extract repeated utility patterns into custom CSS classes just by copying and pasting the list of class names. Using a custom font is nice because it allows us to make the components look … It is actually better documented than CSS itself. 26 hover. We picked all of Tailwind’s default colors by hand, meticulously balancing them by eye and testing them in real designs to make sure we were happy with them. My head hurts and my wall has a big hole in it. We use a colon by default (:), but it can be useful to change this if you’re using a templating language like Pug that doesn’t support special characters in class names. It’s not a coincidence Tailwind was released the same year. Every. Tailwind UI is a collection of beautiful, fully responsive UI components, designed and developed by us, the creators of Tailwind CSS. Tailwind, and Tailwind UI mean I can now create good looking front ends quickly, which is super empowering. 56 Nachdem wir nun die Bedeutung eines Frameworks geklärt haben, solltest du verstehen, dass Tailwind CSS ein Tool ist, das auf CSS-Funktionen aufbaut. Simple, fast, scalable. 9 There are five breakpoints by default, inspired by common device resolutions: To add a utility but only have it take effect at a certain breakpoint, all you need to do is prefix the utility with the breakpoint name, followed by the : character: This works for every utility class in the framework, which means you can change literally anything at a given breakpoint — even things like letter spacing or cursor styles. All of the components in Tailwind UI are provided in three formats: React, Vue, and vanilla HTML. Das gesamte aufgegebenes Gepäck (mit bezahltem Zusatzgepäck) darf 32kg nicht überschreiten, davon unabhängig wird für Übergepäck eine Gebühr fällig, die man beim Check-In erfährt. 17 Get intelligent autocomplete suggestions, linting, class definitions and more, all within your editor and with no configuration required. For this reason, it’s often a good idea to implement the mobile layout for a design first, then layer on any changes that make sense for sm screens, followed by md screens, etc. Optimize your site for dark mode directly in your HTML using the dark mode modifier. character to the beginning: The ! Use the -p flag if you’d like to also generate a basic postcss.config.js file alongside your tailwind.config.js file: This will generate a postcss.config.js file in your project that looks like this: For most users we encourage you to keep your config file as minimal as possible, and only specify the things you want to customize. Tailwind rocks. Make your ideas look awesome, without relying on a designer. I started using @tailwindcss. Nachdem wir nun Tailwind CSS für unser Projekt installiert und eingerichtet haben, wollen wir uns einige Beispiele ansehen, um die Anwendung vollständig zu verstehen. I never want to write regular CSS again. , responsive design. 17 Tailwind Create Create beautiful Posts faster than ever before. It’s such a perfect middleground between thoughtful abstraction, while still letting you break free. No more struggling to find the right words and no more writer’s block! It's now my go-to CSS framework for any application, production or prototype. Run the CLI tool to scan your template files for classes and build your CSS. Dynamic breakpoints, container queries, and more, Dynamic breakpoints, multi-config, container queries, and more, , , , When the parent is a flex container, we want to make sure the image never shrinks, so we’ve added, On small screens the image is automatically full width by default. 15 Learn more about the default theme and how to customize it in the theme configuration guide. ", "I’m the type of person where I like to batch every thing. With the amount of shipping we have to do, skipping the conversion of brainwaves to CSS, and being able to implement at the speed of thought using Tailwind, my life as a fullstack developer has never been more blissful. You can also alias the colors in our default palette to make the names simpler and easier to remember: This is especially common for grays, as you usually only use one set in any given project and it’s nice to be able to type bg-gray-300 instead of bg-neutral-300 for example. But when you do need to customize your palette, you can configure your colors under the colors key in the theme section of your tailwind.config.js file: When it comes to building a custom color palette, you can either configure your own custom colors from scratch if you know exactly what you want, or curate your colors from our extensive included color palette if you want a head start. Using a custom font is nice because it allows us to make the components look … @tailwindcss makes you better at CSS. Tired of manually posting? Strong documentation, helpful community, and instant results. 25 3 The React and Vue examples are fully functional out-of-the-box, and are powered by Headless UI — a library of unstyled components we designed to integrate perfectly with Tailwind CSS. Als Nächstes generierst du deine Datei tailwind.config.js, indem du den folgenden Befehl ausführst: Die Datei tailwind.config.js ist leer, wenn sie erstellt wird, also müssen wir einige Codezeilen hinzufügen: Die Dateipfade, die im Inhaltsfeld angegeben sind, ermöglichen es Tailwind, unbenutzte Stile während der Erstellung zu löschen. Mit diesem Leitfaden kannst du CSS richtig optimieren und…. Customizing the default color palette for your project. Tailwind is written in PostCSS and configured in JavaScript, which means you have the full power of a real programming language at your fingertips. 42 Manage duplication and keep your projects maintainable by creating reusable abstractions. I instantly fell in love with their responsive modifiers, thorough documentation, and how easy it was customizing color palettes. Tailwind uses literal color names (like red, green, etc.) Holen Sie sich eine persönliche Demo unseres leistungsstarken Dashboards und unserer Hosting-Funktionen. They keep improving the framework in meaningful ways on a regular basis. Control the vertical padding of an element using the py-{size} utilities. 48 29 22 hover. Now I am banging my head against the wall wondering why I didn’t try it earlier. Headless UI supports both React and Vue 3, but is not compatible with Vue 2. Learn more about customizing the default theme in the theme customization documentation. 11 Hier sind ein paar von ihnen: Du kannst Tailwind CSS in Frontend-Webprojekten verwenden, einschließlich JavaScript-Frameworks wie React.js, Next.js, Laravel, Vite, Gatsby usw. Worried about remembering all of these class names? Tailwind CSS works by scanning all of your HTML files, JavaScript components, and any other templates for class names, generating the corresponding styles and then writing them to a static CSS file. Holen Sie sich alle Ihre Anwendungen, Datenbanken und WordPress Seiten online und unter einem Dach. To get around this, you can set important to an ID selector like #app instead: This configuration will prefix all of your utilities with the given selector, effectively increasing their specificity without actually making them !important. It allows us to move faster, keep our UI consistent, and focus on the work we want to do instead of writing CSS. 29 Wir melden uns innerhalb eines Arbeitstages bei Ihnen. Tailwind CSS ist ein CSS-Framework (Cascading Style Sheets) mit vordefinierten Klassen, mit denen du Webseiten direkt in deinem Markup erstellen und gestalten kannst. module.exports = { plugins: { tailwindcss: { config: './tailwindcss-config.js' }, }, } Alternatively, you can specify your custom configuration path using the @config directive: Responsive everything. Tailwind Airlines führt Charterflüge für Reiseveranstalter sowie Wet-Lease-Einsätze hauptsächlich ab dem Flughafen Antalya im Auftrag anderer Fluggesellschaften durch. Only @tailwindcss. Genius. The experience and productivity is streets ahead of what you might have believed based on old school CSS thinking! A guide to configuring and customizing your Tailwind installation. Tailwind factors in your business type, time available, and more to select the campaigns that will generate the best ROI for you. You'll fall in love with building for the web all over again. Happy user since the first public release! Having styles right there in your HTML is powerful, which gets even more obvious when using products like Tailwind UI. Wrestling with a bunch of complex media queries in your CSS sucks, so Tailwind lets you build responsive designs right in your HTML instead. Get Started Why Tailwind? View all of your social media posts in a single, filterable, calendar. I was bad at front-end until I discovered Tailwind CSS. @%&$% idiot. Explore all templates →. It's fast, flexible, and reliable — with zero-runtime. Tailwind not only made me able to focus on building great UI’s but it also improved my overall CSS skills by having such a wonderful docs site when I needed to handwrite CSS. Tailwind CSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles you have to fight to override. Learn more. Im Folgenden findest du Hilfsprogramme zum Hinzufügen von Auffüllungen zu deinen Elementen: Um sie auf deine Elemente anzuwenden, musst du die entsprechenden Zahlen von Tailwind verwenden – ähnlich wie die Zahlen, die im letzten Abschnitt für die Farbvarianten standen. Its easy to use abstraction combined with excellent documentation are a game changer! Handgepäck darf die Maße (20x40x55 cm) nicht überschreiten. 70 Einführung in Tailwind CSS: Ein Utility-First CSS Framework. If you're sick of fighting the framework, overriding unwanted styles, and battling specificity wars, Tailwind was made for you. sicherstellt; damit musst du dich nicht um die Erstellung deiner Designsysteme kümmern. 24 If you’re using Tailwind as a PostCSS plugin, you will need to specify your custom configuration path in your PostCSS configuration: postcss.config.js. Um Flex in Tailwind CSS zu verwenden, musst du eine Flexklasse und die Richtung der Flexelemente hinzufügen: Wenn du flex-row-reverse verwendest, wird die Reihenfolge, in der die Schaltflächen erscheinen, umgekehrt. Stick hover: at the beginning of the class you want to add. Responsive everything. It helps teams of developers and designers develop a shared language and system of constraints that speeds up the entire process. It reintroduces context to development, limits cognitive load with choice architecture, grants access to a token library out of the box and is incredibly easy to pickup. It provides a ready-to-use UI, all while not compromising on enabling developers to quickly build anything imaginable. This includes colors, border sizes, font weights, spacing utilities, breakpoints, shadows, and tons more. Tried it once, never looked back. Build fully responsive user interfaces that adapt to any screen size using responsive modifiers. Tailwind lets you conditionally apply utility classes in different states using variant modifiers. I already used some utility classes before, but going utility-first... this is the way. 19 Wir erstellen diese Hilfsprogramme in der Datei tailwind.config.js mit ein wenig JavaScript. For example, use hover:py-8 to only apply the py-8 utility on . By default, Tailwind uses a mobile-first breakpoint system, similar to what you might be used to in other frameworks like Bootstrap. 51 Einfache Einrichtung und Verwaltung über das MyKinsta Dashboard, Die beste Hardware und das beste Netzwerk der Google Cloud Platform, unterstützt durch Kubernetes für maximale Skalierbarkeit, Eine Cloudflare-Integration auf Unternehmensebene für Geschwindigkeit und Sicherheit, Globale Reichweite mit bis zu 35 Rechenzentren und 275+ PoPs weltweit. An advanced online playground for Tailwind CSS that lets you use all of Tailwind's build-time features directly in the browser. Throw a screen size in front of literally any utility class and watch it magically apply at a specific breakpoint. If you don’t have a set of completely custom colors in mind for your project, you can curate your colors from our default palette by importing tailwindcss/colors in your configuration file and choosing the colors you want to use: This can be helpful if you want to deliberately limit your color palette and reduce the number of class names suggested by IntelliSense. Sie helfen dir, gut aussehende und professionelle Webseiten zu erstellen und gleichzeitig ein einheitliches Design zu gewährleisten. Webentwickler zu werden ist ein Ziel für viele, und hier zeigen wir dir, wie du dieses Ziel Schritt für Schritt erreichen kannst. Dynamic breakpoints, container queries, and more, Dynamic breakpoints, multi-config, container queries, and more, npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch. Das gesamte aufgegebenes Gepäck (mit bezahltem Zusatzgepäck) darf 32kg nicht überschreiten, davon unabhängig wird für Übergepäck eine Gebühr fällig, die man beim Check-In erfährt. 16 Um eine Textfarbe hinzuzufügen, verwendest du die Klasse text-{color}: Tailwind verfügt bereits über ein Gestaltungssystem, das dir dabei hilft, eine einheitliche Skala in deinen Entwürfen beizubehalten. Die Flotte von Tailwind Airlines umfasst aktuell fünf Boeing 737-400. 30 Tailwind CSS is bridging the gap between design systems and products. Tailwind CSS works by scanning all of your HTML files, JavaScript components, and any other templates for class names, generating the corresponding styles and then writing them to a static CSS file. Using a utility-first workflow to build complex components from a constrained set of primitive utilities. 12 Learn more about Tailwind's utility-first workflow →. The Tailwind CSS IntelliSense extension for VS Code has you covered. Tailwind clicked for me almost immediately. Sprechen Sie mit unseren Expert/Innen, indem Sie im MyKinsta-Dashboard einen Chat starten. Mit Tailwind CSS können wir das tun, indem wir ein Plugin erstellen. Two useful tools we can recommend are Palettte and ColorBox — they won’t do the work for you but their interfaces are well-designed for doing this sort of work. The separator option lets you customize which character should be used to separate modifiers (screen sizes, hover, focus, etc.) Absolutely nothing else comes close to making me as productive during the design phase of development than Tailwind. Use unprefixed utilities to target mobile, and override them at larger breakpoints. Control the padding on all sides of an element using the p-{size} utilities. Learn more about writing your own plugins in the plugin authoring guide. They make it easy to be consistent with color choices, spacing, typography, shadows, and everything else that makes up a well-engineered design system. Tailwind has completely revolutionized our devops pipeline. 22 If this problem keeps happening, contact us and we'll send help! 8 Tailwind solves a complex problem in an elegant way. Wir definieren, was ein Framework ist und was wir mit „Utility-first CSS“ meinen, damit du besser verstehst, worum es bei Tailwind CSS geht. Install tailwindcss via npm, and create your tailwind.config.js file. Before Tailwind CSS I was banging my head against the wall trying to make sense of my CSS spaghetti. Tailwind Airlines vergleichen und buchen: Sehen Sie sich Bewertungen von Reisenden an und finden Sie großartige Flugangebote für Tailwind Airlines. Here’s a simple example of a marketing page component that uses a stacked layout on small screens, and a side-by-side layout on larger screens (resize your browser to see it in action): We’ve only used one breakpoint in this example, but you could easily customize this component at other sizes using the sm, lg, xl, or 2xl responsive prefixes as well. The prefix option allows you to add a custom prefix to all of Tailwind’s generated utility classes. Kinsta® und WordPress® sind eingetragene Marken. flex-col stapelt sie übereinander. Sie können den Newsletter jederzeit abbestellen, indem Sie den Anweisungen in den erhaltenen Mitteilungen folgen. Wir erstellen eine Schaltfläche mit abgerundeten Ecken und einem Text, der „Klick mich“ sagt So wird die Schaltfläche aussehen: Wir machen das zuerst mit Vanilla CSS und dann mit den Utility-Klassen, die in Tailwind CSS verfügbar sind. You can customize your spacing scale by editing theme.spacing or theme.extend.spacing in your tailwind.config.js file. Crazy impressive project. Add the @tailwind directives for each of Tailwind’s layers to your main CSS file. Dynamic breakpoints, container queries, and more, Dynamic breakpoints, multi-config, container queries, and more, 'rgb(var(--color-primary) /
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