— yrði sú sem réði. as a part of her. Með því að kaupa áskrift að Heimildinni styrkir þú sjálfstæða rannsóknarblaðamennsku. Conversely, deCODE has often used its resources to validate discoveries made elsewhere. The population approach — the scale and breadth of resources and the focus on cross-mining disparate datasets — has been key to this productivity. In Iceland he has pioneered the use of population-scale genetics to understand variation in the sequence of the human genome. [139] Given the disease and mortality rates from breast and prostate cancer associated with BRCA2, the availability of this information should enable the prevention and early detection of hundreds of cancers and save dozens of lives.[140]. The resources and their utility for gene discovery is concisely summarized in deCODE's first press release: Quoted in Michael Specter, "Decoding Iceland,", See for example Francesco Cuca et al., "The distribution of DR4 haplotypes in Sardinia suggests a primary association of type I diabetes with DRB1 and DQB1 loci,", Stephen D. Moore, "Biotech firm turns Iceland into,", Gulcher and Stefansson, "Population genomics: laying the groundwork,", Stefansson and Gulcher cite polls showing public support for the IHD of 75%, in "An Icelandic saga on a centralized healthcare database and democratic decision making,". In a 2017 interview Iceland's former president Vigdis Finnbogadottir captured a common view: "If Icelanders can contribute to the health of the world, I'm more than proud. Edda Pétursdóttir segist í rúm níu ár hafa lifað við stöðugan ótta um að fyrrverandi kærasti hennar myndi láta verða af ítrekuðum hótunum um að dreifa kynferðislegum myndböndum af henni, sem hann hafi tekið upp án hennar vitundar meðan þau voru enn saman. Fjölskylduvænar breytingar í Hveragerði. [53], Leading his deCODE colleagues to continually build and re-query these population datasets, Stefansson has made a steady stream of contributions to the understanding of how variation in the sequence of the genome is generated and its impact on health and disease. Mest lesið Í dag; Í vikunni; 1. ennþá sveipuð skærum ljóma to victory. © 2023 Heimildin (Útgáfufélagið Stundin ehf.) Lagið við ljóð Kára samdi Þorsteinn Einarsson í Hjálmum. sem mér ávallt finnast lætur A $200 million gene and target discovery deal with Roche in 1998 was an early sign of the industry's interest in genomics to make better drugs. Færslur um Kári Stefánsson ritaðar af Valgarður Guðjónsson. Valgerður Ólafsdóttir var þroskasálfræðingur og framkvæmdastjóri Velferðarsjóðs barna. MyHeritage is the best place for families online. [52] Using the genealogies deCODE can impute the sequence data of the entire population, yielding a single encrypted, minable dataset of more than 300,000 whole genomes. „Ég orti það til hennar í tilefni 70 ára afmælis hennar. [129] Other partnerships were formed with Merck, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca and others. 1996-09-01 to present | CEO Employment Show more detail. برېښنالیک یا ټليفون: پټ نوم: ګڼون هېر شو؟ نومليکنه وکړئ. Daníel Kári Stefánsson. í þér Sálfræðingar telja hann engu að síður hæfan fyrir dómi. [45] The version used in research replaces names with encrypted personal identifiers overseen by Iceland's Data Protection Commission. This relationship between citizens and private enterprise, which seemed logical to Stefansson, counterintuitive to others and is disliked by some, is becoming ever more common. WebKári Stefánsson Essential tremor (ET), the most common movement disorder in humans, appears to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait in many families. Allur réttur áskilinn. In … Valgarður Guðjónsson. Allur réttur áskilinn. Join Facebook to connect with Kári Stefánsson and others you may know. Almenningur hefur viðhaldið Stundinni og Kjarnanum með áskriftum og styrkjum síðan 2013. [118] The deCODE team then added their variant to the paper that was published in Nature Genetics. ætíð finnur rætur sínar WebKári Stefánsson segir hertar aðgerðir við landamærin sem boðaðar voru í gær vera öruggustu leiðina að friðurinn sé hér. that were never written Gabríela Bryndís er sálfræðingur og einn af stofnendum Lífs án ofbeldis og hefur verið Helgu til aðstoðar í málinu. the only woman I ever loved. hátíð gerir alla daga, [9], Following his internship at the National Hospital of Iceland, he went to the University of Chicago to work under Barry Arnason (coincidentally a Canadian of Icelandic descent). cit. Leikarnarnir leituðu til stéttarfélags síns vegna þessa. Source: Kari Stefansson expand_more. Sama eigi við um samsæriskenningar að … I remember letting down Dragðu spil og sjáðu hvaða spádóm það geymir. Á sama tíma og fyrirtæki fjölskyldunnar byggja hagnað sinn á sölu matvæla undir tollvernd, hafa þau greitt háar sektir fyrir samkeppnisbrot og lagst í ómælda vinnu við að komast undan því að greiða skatta hér á landi, með viðskiptafléttum í gegnum þekkt skattaskjól. Framkvæmdastjóri stéttarfélagsins segir það hvernig staðið var að málum „gjörsamlega galið“. A Lot, When It Comes to 'Precision Medicine',", One instance of Stefansson's view of the role of genetics in drug development and in the context of the growing genomics industry in Ann Thayer, "The Genomics Evolution: Small technology providers and major drug firms become allies to find the causes of disease, to validate targets, and to understand drug response,", On the thinking behind the Roche deal, with only a modest dose of the fevered hyperbole and innuendo of the time, see Eliot Marshall, "Iceland's blond ambition,", Emily Singer, "DeCODE ditches drug development,", On acquisition and its rationale in broad context, as well as deCODE being left in independent control over its data, see Matt Herper, " With DeCode deal, Amgen aims to discover drugs like we meant to in 1999,", A Kamb, S Harper and K Stefansson, "Human genetics as a foundation for innovative drug development,", The best known example of this the inhibitors of, A discussion of progress in this strategy is in Meg Tirrell, "Iceland's genetic goldmine and the man behind it,", Quoted in Asher Mullard, "An audience with...Sean Harper,", On lack of response from the government see Andy Coghlan, "Warn people of genetic health risks, says deCODE boss,", Statistics in: Nordic Alliance for Clinical Genomics, ", M Daly, "2017 William Allan Award Introduction: Kári Stefansson,", American Society of Human Genetics press release, ", Bob Langreth, "Medical marvels: The E-gang,", A literary critique of these references in Lucy Burke, "Genetics at the Scene of the Crime: DeCODING Tainted Blood,", Learn how and when to remove this template message, the inherited component of any phenotype or trait, "National human genome projects: an update and an agenda", http://timarit.is/view_page_init.jsp?pageId=1729310, "Sólveig Káradóttir að skilja við Dhani Harrison", "Ekki merkilegast við hana Sólveigu dóttur mína að hún sé eiginkona sonar George Harrison". Kári Stefánsson, CEO of deCODE Genetics, stated that “we are very concerned that this virus is spreading again with lightning speed”, in an interview with Visír earlier today. Dómsmálaráðherra ætlar að aflétta banninu og heimabruggarar, verslunarmenn í bruggbransanum og hagsmunafélag heimabruggara taka áformuðum breytingum fagnandi. Félagar í Eflingu sem starfa við akstur olíuflutningabíla hjá Skeljungi og Olíudreifingu hittust í gær og var á þeim fundi skipuð sameiginleg samninganefnd félagsmanna hjá báðum fyrirtækjum og drög lögð að kröfugerð. Alkóhól er ávanabindandi efni og neyslan er samofin samskiptum í samfélaginu, það telst því töluverð áskorun... Á lýtalausri íslensku bjóða þrír bandarískir mormónar Reykvíkingum upp á samtal um Jesúm Krist. in 1986 from the University of Iceland. WebRaðað eftir starfi Athafnamenn. Lagið og myndbandið má svo sjá hér fyrir neðan: Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. bjó þig til. [64] In 2019, deCODE utilized the genealogies, the large number of whole genome sequences (WGS) that it had completed in the preceding years, and genotyping data on the majority of the population, to publish a third recombination map of the genome. I'm grateful. [77] Over the next fifteen years they used standard GWAS and reduced fecundity as an intermediate phenotype to home in on SNPs and copy number variations (CNVs) linked to risk of schizophrenia and other disorders;[78] they demonstrated that genetic risk factors for schizophrenia and autism confer cognitive abnormalities even in control subjects;[79] they linked schizophrenia, bipolar disorder with both creativity and risk of addiction;[80] they identified genetic variants associated with educational attainment and childhood cognition;[81] and demonstrated that these variants are currently under negative evolutionary selection. Kári Stefánsson, eiginmaður Valgerðar og forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar, greindi frá andláti eiginkonu sinnar á Facebook-síðu sinni í dag. Hann segist skilja gagnrýni fólks í kjölfar þess að ÍE … Ástarljóð Kára Stefánssonar til eiginkonu sinnar varð að lagi – „Það er ekkert eins og þú ástin mín fagra þá og nú“, Fjölmennasta bridgemót sem haldið hefur verið frá upphafi. [33] Opponents of the Iceland Health Sector Database (IHD) objected to the use of public data by a private enterprise and to presumed consent as the model for the use of medical records in research. Sólveig dóttir Kára segir köttinn gleðja fólkið sitt óendanlega mikið þótt hann muni aldrei koma í stað þess sem kvaddi þennan heim á föstudaginn. Spaugstofumönnum var tilkynnt af framleiðendum Áramótaskaupsins að þeir fengju ekki borgað fyrir þátttöku sína heldur yrði peningum veitt til Mæðrastyrksnefndar. WebKári Stefánsson (oder Kari Stefansson; geboren am 6. WebFornjót (Old Norse: Fornjótr) is a jötunn in Norse mythology, and the father of Hlér ('sea'), Logi ('fire') and Kári ('wind'). einn á gangi og nóttin bjarta sem ég hef lifað suma okkar heppna lætur I remember smiles that In the 2006 film version directed by Baltasar Kormakur, Stefansson (who is 6'5" and with gray hair) plays himself, adding a moment of vérité but losing the satirical irony of his namesake. In 2012, Amgen bought deCODE for $415 million. A selection of his publications from this period can be searched on, Adam Piore, "Bring us your genes: A Viking scientist's quest to conquer disease,", Gulcher, JR, Vartanian, T, and Stefansson K, "Is Multiple Sclerosis an automimmune disease? WebPreuss , Micahel; Hilma Hólm 1972; Kári Stefánsson 1949; Guðmar Þorleifsson 1965 (2010) Genome-wide association study identifies a sequence variant within the DAB2IP gene … Karyanya berfokus pada … WebBrakkasamtökin standa fyrir opnu húsi þann 19. maí næstkomandi þar sem opnuð verður ný heimasíða með fræðsluefni fyrir arfbera og fjölskyldur þeirra. Neil Risch and, Nicholas Wade, "SCIENTIST AT WORK/Kari Stefansson; Hunting for Disease Genes In Iceland's Genealogies,", Announcement of deCODE starting operations on the front page of, An early description of the discovery model and process by Stefansson and Gulcher when they still planned to build the IHD, in "Population genomics: laying the groundwork for genetic disease modeling and targeting,", A good early outline of Stefansson's vision and the business model in Stephen D. Moore, "Biotech firm turns Iceland into a giant genetics lab,", Gulcher, J, Helgason A, Stefansson, K, "Genetic homogeneity of Icelanders,". Hann hafi ákveðið að hætta í stjórn samtakanna vegna aðdróttana í sinn garð. Allur réttur áskilinn. These cookies allow the website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language or the region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal features and content. Kári Stefánsson (oder Kari Stefansson ; geboren am 6. „Það kvöld þá framdi ég ljótasta hlut sem ég hef gert.“. Hún var 70 ára þegar hún lést. Stefansson guides and oversees all research at deCODE and is senior author on its papers, with project and group leaders the first authors and co-authors drawn from the hundreds of local and international institutions and organizations with whom deCODE has collaborations. Henry Alexander Henrysson, doktor í heimspeki, svarar því hvað við sjáum á myndum frá Vestmannaeyjum þar sem Edda Falak var gerð að svartri tröllskessu. Kári Stefánsson President, CEO, and director of deCODE genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland Professor of Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland One of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of the year (2007) One of 10 most important biologists of the 21st century, Newsweek Magazine (2007) Jakobus Award (2007) Skessan var birtingarmynd á því áreiti sem hún hefur þurft að þola, líflátshótanir og refsiaðgerð, sem átti að felast í því að lokka hana inn í sendiferðabíl þar sem hópur karla myndi brjóta á henni. það er ekkert eins og þú Hjálmar í samstarfi við Kára hafa nú gefið lagið út ásamt myndbandi. But Stefansson saw potential in Iceland for using the same approach to find the genetic component of virtually any common disease. in 1976 and his Dr. med. With that data, Stefansson and his colleagues at Amgen believed that genomics could be transformative to drug development in a way that was not possible with only SNP-chip and GWAS data. Studies in the early 2000s mapped the involvement of the Neuregulin 1 gene in schizophrenia, leading to substantial research in this novel pathway. It has been widely cited and used to inform the development of BACE1 inhibitors as potential treatments. 2nd and 3rd Author (18 Total, 15 Peer … Forvarnir styðjast við lög og reglugerðir um hvað er leyfilegt og bannað og hvar mörkin liggja. WebView the profiles of people named Kári Stefánsson. Kári Stefánsson, forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar. [134] The identification of ASGR1 was an example of this and was taken into drug discovery to develop novel cholesterol-fighting drugs. ástin mín fagra þá og nú. An important question was whether and where such extended genealogies might be found. In the light of these fears he has urged the government to bring in new COVID-19 restrictions before the Merchants’ Weekend bank holiday. Íslendingar kaupa sér og sóa í leiðinni sífellt meira á sama tíma og loftslagsváin knýr fastar að dyrum. The feasibility of population genetics and national genome projects, The generation of human diversity and mechanisms of evolution, The genetics of common diseases and traits, Schizophrenia, other psychiatric disorders, cognition, Public-private collaboration and the development of precision medicine, Personal genomics and disease risk diagnostics, The Iceland population approach as a global model, His particular focus was myelin degeneration in multiple sclerosis. WebAmar Erwin Gunnarsson, Bólstaðarhhð 8 Áslaug Sóley Bjamadóttir, Víðihlíð 3 Bjarni Benedikt Björnsson, Háuhlíð 14 Bjöm Þór Guðmundsson, Drápuhlið 24 Christian Friðrik Burrell, Eskihlíð 18a Egill Már Halldórsson, Háaleitisbraut 54 Elna Ósk Stefánsdóttir, Víðihlíð 32 Gunnar Svanur Steindórsson, Hjálmholti 8 Jakob Már Stefánsson, Stigahlið 93 Jóhann … He immigrated to Iceland in 1802 and his genome was reconstructed from fragments of the genomes of 180 of his nearly 800 living descendants, traceable through Íslendingabok.[73]. Netfang2 . Þó að um ástarljóð sé að ræða leikur sorgin stórt hlutverk í myndbandinu enda hefur Valgerður látin eftir að hafa fylgt Kára um lífsins veg í rúmlega hálfa öld. [7][8] Stefansson says that he owes much to his brother, who suffers from schizophrenia. Books and major research articles by bioethicists on these themes include: Mike Fortun, Stefansson and Gulcher estimated that by 1999 more than 700 articles and interviews had been published. Framkvæmdastjóri eignastýringar Festu segist skilja að einhver kunni að fetta fingur út í það en að á sama tíma þurfi að vera til leigufélög. This is roughly 70% of all adult citizens, 60,000 of whom have had their whole genomes sequenced. On page 10 of, Helen Pearson, "Profile: Kari Stefansson,", James Butcher, "Kari Stefansson, general of genetics,", Anna Azvolinsky, "Master Decoder: A Profile of Kári Stefánsson,", In 2018, most advanced national genome efforts were still aspiring to generate and assemble 100,000 whole genome sequences in one place. It is also the name of a legendary king of "Finnland and Kvenland". [4] He was the second youngest of the five children of Sólveig Halldórsdóttir and Stefán Jónsson, a radio personality, writer and democratic socialist member of parliament. Urður Örlygsdóttir urdur@frettabladid.is Þriðjudagur 1. september 2020 Kl. It was not one that occurred to many leading geneticists to ask with regard to common diseases. Kári Stefánsson sagði í Silfrinu í dag að tilraunir með hugvíkkandi efni séu einhver mest spennandi … [20] Siblings share half their genomes; but cousins one eighth, second cousins one thirty-second, etc. Kári, sem fékk þriðju bólusetninguna í ágúst í fyrra, veiktist af … Kári Stefánsson (or Kari Stefansson; born 6 April 1949) is an Icelandic neurologist and founder and CEO of Reykjavik-based biopharmaceutical company deCODE genetics. WebDoctor Kári Stefánsson is CEO of deCODE genetics (Reykjavík, Iceland), a company that he founded to analyse and understand the human genome. "[37], As the architect, scientific leader and very public face of deCODE, one of Stefansson's fundamental contributions has been to demonstrate that genomics can be done at national scale, and to provide a realized example of how to do it. Myles Axton, the longtime editor of Nature Genetics, noted at deCODE's 20th anniversary celebration that this leadership had put deCODE and Iceland "in the forefront of a revolution that has delivered much of what was promised in the mapping of the human genome. egy izlandi neurológus valamint a reykjaviki székhelyű biofarmáciai vállalat alapítója és vezérigazgatója deCODE genetika.Ban ben Izland úttörő szerepet játszik a populációs léptékű genetika alkalmazásában, hogy megértse az emberi genom szekvenciájának variációit. Kári samdi ljóðið í tilefni af 70 ára afmæli Valgerðar. Þingmenn úr einum stjórnarflokki og öðrum í stjórnarandstöðu hafa lagt saman fram frumvarp sem breytir skráningu í trú- og lífsskoðunarfélög. WebKári Stefánsson forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar býr yfir fallegri sköpunargleði en nýlega samdi hann ljóðið Kona í appelsínugulum kjól. Þegar farið var fram á að greitt yrði samkvæmt taxta hótuðu framleiðendur að taka atriðið út úr Skaupinu. In a much discussed paper from 2012 they demonstrated that the number of such mutations — variants that appear in the genomes of children but are not inherited from either parent — increases with paternal age and constitute a major source of rare diseases of childhood. Hvenær leyfum við rödd barna að heyrast? Web„Þetta er einstakt á heimsvísu,“ segir Alma D. Möller landlæknir en Kári Stefánsson, forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar, hefur boðist til að skima fyrir kórónaveirunni. Even prominent experts who predicted the future power of population genetics and association studies seem not to have considered that linkage analysis could be extended to common diseases, and aid in association studies, through population-wide genealogies. [41] By mid-decade, even former critics acknowledged that what Stefansson was building in Iceland through fully consented individual participation and datamining was indeed an important example to prospective genome projects in the UK, US, Canada, Sweden, Estonia and elsewhere, and to the foundation of new institutions like the Broad Institute. [130], By far the longest, deepest and most productive partnership has been that with Amgen. A. Kári Stefánsson var gestur Sigríðar Hagalín í Silfrinu. [55] A large number of these are noteworthy contributions to the field and Stefansson and several of his deCODE colleagues are consistently ranked among the most highly cited scientists in genetics and molecular biology.[56]. til að bæta upplifun notenda. Veitingamaður sem heldur með Arsenal, elskar gott kaffi, er 2ja barna faðir, forvitinn um allan rekstur og formaður … Ljósmyndari Heimildarinnar fékk að fylgjast með þeim í leik og starfi í nokkur skipti í byrjun janúar og kynnast lífi þeirra á Íslandi. Hljómsveitin Hjálmar … Hann veitti Omega viðtal þar sem hann ræddi meðal annars um árásina. Nú sjáum við hvernig það fór. [25] The business model was to fund this effort through partnerships with pharmaceutical companies who would use the discoveries to develop new drugs. WebFamily tree of the Bliesath Web Site on MyHeritage. This is the first created using WGS data, and like the previous maps has been made openly available to the global scientific community. utan þér, Þú ert ennþá ilmur blóma Kári works at Decode Genetics as CEO. Við sitjum eftir í botnlausri sorginni.“. As Peter Donnelly put it, "the number of countries now investing millions in similar resources is an astonishing testament to the perspicacity of his vision. WebThe #1 Reason Why You're Sick. „Huginn fannst andvana í garði ekki langt frá heimili sínu. WebFamily tree of the Bliesath Web Site on MyHeritage. [26], Iceland had the data sources required for this "population approach": a high-quality single-payer healthcare system; a relatively homogeneous population that would make finding disease variants less complex;[27] an educated citizenry that was willing to contribute DNA and medical and health information for research; and most uniquely, comprehensive national genealogies. í takt Sæmundargata 2; 102 Reykjavík; Ssn. Hún talar opinskátt um málið sitt eftir að barnavernd og sálfræðingur brugðust henni. Æviágrip og menntun[ breyta | breyta frumkóða] Kári er fæddur 6. apríl 1949 í Reykjavík. Harpa Pálmadóttir,Sigrún Sóley Jökulsdóttir. [120] One factor underlying its success and driving participation in Iceland is clearly national pride, turning the country's small size and historical isolation into a unique advantage in an important field. Í bréfi sem hann sendi stúlkunni segist hann vilja stinga af frá öllu og liggja í kjöltu hennar. Djúpvitur köttur, fagur og yndislegur horfinn á vit feðra sinna. University of Iceland. Sólveig Káradóttir, dóttir Kára, greinir frá því á Instagram að Kári og Valgerður hafi fengið kött að gjöf um helgina. Stefansson is probably best known for the contribution he and his deCODE colleagues have made to the discovery of genetic variations linked to risk of disease and to a range of other traits. Steini samdi lagið og flutti á afmælinu og svo lést Vala rétt rúmum mánuði síðar,“ segir Kári. In more than a dozen major papers published over nearly twenty years, Stefansson and his colleagues used their holistic view of an entire population to build a novel picture of the human genome as a system for transmitting information. Web„Ástin mín hún Valgerður Ólafsdóttir, sem var förunautur minn í 53 ár lést á Landspítalanum í gær,“ segir Kári Stefánsson Jump to Sections of this page Þorsteinn Víglundsson, forstjóri fyrirtækisins Hornsteins og talsmaður þýska sementsfyrirtækisins Heidelberg, hafnar öllum ávirðingum um að fyrirtækið sé að bera fé á íbúa Þorlákshafnar til að afla fyrirtækinu stuðnings við fyrirhugaða verksmiðju í bænum. [63], A third source of genomic diversity, gene conversions, are difficult to detect except by looking at very large genealogies. He pioneered the use of population genetics in the study of human … Kári Stefánsson (atau Kari Stefansson; lahir 6 April 1949) adalah orang Islandia ahli saraf serta pendiri dan CEO perusahaan biofarmasi yang berbasis di … He is a visionary Icelandic doctor, and a quarter century ago, he had an … [126], Yet Stefansson's principal goal has always been to use the genome to inform the development of better drugs. Allur réttur áskilinn. It has always been a business that relies on the voluntary participation of citizens and national health system doctors as partners in scientific discovery. „Ástin mín hún Valgerður Ólafsdóttir, sem var förunautur minn í 53 ár, lést á Landspítalanum í gær,“ sagði hann. Hann segir að Festa hafi brýnt Ölmu að sýna hóf gagnvart viðskiptavinum sínum. Í viðtali við Eigin Konur segir hún frá upplifun sinni af því að alast upp hjá móður með áfengisvanda. 5701900. Hlaðvarpsþættirnir Eigin Konur verða framvegis birtir á vef Stundarinnar og lokaðir þættir verða opnir áskrifendum Stundarinnar. WebStóráfangi ef lyfið fer á markað : Kári Stefánsson, forstjóri Íslenskrar erfðagreiningar, ræðir tilraunalyfið DG031: Stratifying type 2 diabetes cases by BMI identifies genetic risk … What if You Knew When You Were Going to Die? Moreover, it is easy to forget that when Kári founded deCODE Genetics 21 years ago, these concepts were considered quite radical and unlikely to succeed. Þau eignuðust þrjú börn saman. WebKári Stefánsson (or Kari Stefansson; born 6 April 1949) is an Icelandic neurologist and founder and CEO of Reykjavik-based biopharmaceutical company deCODE genetics. þótt árin líði og öllu breyti and failures. 600169-2039; Map of the Campus; Contact … [138], With no response from the health system, Stefansson went ahead and put the matter in the hands of citizens. Sími2 . Stefánsson denkt an die Evolution des Menschen und damit in langen Zeiträumen. [167][168], Stefansson is the model for professor Lárus Jóhannsson in Dauðans óvissi tími by Þráinn Bertelsson and the principal villain of Óttar M. Norðfjörð's satirical 2007 book Jón Ásgeir & afmælisveislan, in which he creates a female version of Davíð Oddsson from a sample of Davíð's hair. Hundreds of people have been able to learn that they are carriers and the National Hospital has built up its counseling and other services to help those decide how they wish to use this information to protect their health. Der Genforscher Kári Stefánsson über die Angst vor Züchtungsfantasien, den Ursprung der Welt und seinen Hass auf deutsche Journalisten Unlike the prevailing academic model of scientists undertaking discrete projects in their separate labs, he proposed to gather and generate as much genealogical, medical and genomic data as he could from across the population. WebKári Stefánsson was married to Valgerður Ólafsdóttir for 51 years. Þekkti fórnarlömb sín ekki og tilefnið enn óljóst, Halda sektinni til streitu og segja stöðukortið falsað, Hvetja 60 ára og eldri til að „láta hendur standa fram úr ermum“, Eitt fjölmennasta bridgemót Íslandssögunnar, Segja Ísland geta gegnt lykilhlutverki í matvælaöryggi í Evrópu, Ríkissáttasemjari boðar til blaðamannafundar klukkan 11, Girðingarnar fjarlægðar en lóðir stækkaðar, Fiskikóngurinn harðorður: Skellir í lás við Höfðabakka, Guðrún tekur við af Friðjóni hjá KOM eftir sameiningu, Húsnæðismarkaður kólni þar til stýrivextir lækki á ný, Nánast ómögulegt að reka veitingastað við núverandi aðstæður, Fyrrverandi forstjóri Swedbank sýknaður, Vilja skipta Google upp vegna einokunarstöðu, Atvinnuleysi dróst saman um 1,3 prósentustig, Svíar missa besta leikmann heims út heimsmeistaramótið, UEFA stækkar Þjóðadeildina en fækkar leikjum Íslands í undankeppni HM og EM, Sjáðu Dagnýju henda Liverpool út úr bikarnum í gærkvöldi, Faðir Djokovic stillti sér upp á mynd með stuðningsfólki Pútín, Sammála um að landsliðsferill Arons sé vonbrigði, Anníe Mist barðist við tárin þegar hún rifjaði upp rosalegt ár, Logi Geirs: „Við verðum að fá breytingar og mig langar í nýjan þjálfara“, Þessir fjórir flytjendur munu keppa í Söngvakeppninni, Sagður hafa bjargað frænda sínum þegar slysið varð, „Snýst um að mjólka hverja einustu tilfinningu sem ég finn“, Kanónur raftónlistar sameinast í Reykjavík.
kári stefánsson valgerður