Consider re-interpreting negative energy in your setting if you want it to co-exist with non-evil undead. The necromancer can contact the deceased for permission for use. The redeemed death knight has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Reducing a guardian spirit to 0 hitpoints merely banishes it back to the afterlife. People are often alarmed at Mr. Bodoni'sboney presence. A very good undead can even start siphoning energy from another source such as positive or arcane energy, such a creature's properties would change to reflect that. There may be specific 'suggested' rules that define a lich to be quite evil. On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute or until is takes any damage. In a world where non-evil undead and deathless exist, the undead may find themselves believing to be wholly wretched and cursed, and become jealous of the deathless who were chosen by the gods to continue their existence. Rolled damage from a limb with a humerus or femur stacks, rolled damage from other limbs does not stack (for example an entire leg is 1d4 + 1d6 + Con modifier). Multiattack. 7th level (2 slots): project image, teleport The OP wanted a solution for how to create a good lich. Choose an undead creature with a CR that is equal or less than your caster class level within 30 feet that is under the control of another creature. Dexter was driven to kill people periodically, which is normally an inherently evil act. Undead who wish to mind their own business and simply unlive their unlives are under threat from both the evil overlord lich and the righteous undead slayer; this is the constant vigil many undead face. Your reasons vary, from needing more time to accomplish something, dedicating yourself to a cause, or simply the fear of the fate of your soul in the afterlife. Type 5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, immolation, scrying Undead that are completely soulless automatons still have restrictions on use and violations of such restrictions such as the use for pranks on the living or acts of desecrating the dead are not considered evil but in very very poor taste. You can use your unarmed strikes as melee weapons you are proficient in with a reach of 5 ft. at one target. Size On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the baelnorn can take a lair action to cause one of the following magical effects; the baelnorn can't use the same effect two rounds in a row: The baelnorn rolls a d8 and regains a spell slot of that level or lower. You regain consciousness the next turn after this spell activates. For some reason I was inspired to throw together a #Pinkerton stat block for D&D 5e! His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +5 to hit with spell attacks). If this sounds ghoulish, well maybe it isnt so different from a ghoul after all? The projection has 100 hit points, an AC of 16, and a fly speed of 30 feet. Bond: My grief for what that monstrous tyrant did to my family drives me to continue my own wretched existence. A planetouched spirit may be one that is summoned by a cleric whose ancestors were very close to their deity who allows souls to move to and from their domain. [6], Most baelnorn were spellcasters, and maintained their mental and magical abilities in their undead state, with some exceptions. Example: Ezzie was a forest gnome, at home with her lovely grove she protected as a druid. Is a downhill scooter lighter than a downhill MTB with same performance? This sours my attitude when interacting with an individual of one of those races for the first time, except for my dwarven family. Deeds are more important to the Order than formalities and symbolism. Nyx was the only slain in that battle to be able to rise back to the world of the livingbut as a vampire, still thirsting for the blood of her enemies and those who would dare try to destroy her homeland, and those who commit great evils. [8], In ancient elven realmssuch as Myth Drannor or Sharrvenbaelnorns served as councilors, guardians, and advisors. One must prepare one's mind not to fall into the pitfalls of power and immortality, and to refuse the help of evil beings who might appear to offer help to make the process faster and bolster one's magical power. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For convenience, possibly. Liches voluntarily destroy their soul in a mad attempt to achieve immediate power and material immortality at the expense of spiritual immortality and long-term gains. The necromancer may pay the deceaseds family, give last words to family, or some other form of payment to convince the soul to return for awhile. 1st level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, unseen servant* How is this process of becoming a "Dixie Flatline" in any way related to the question of "Is there a non-evil lich?"? She still retains her +2 in Intelligence as it is a basic gnome racial trait. Cookie Notice Holy water does harm creatures under this spell. I believe the OP just required a "non evil lich" not a good lich specifically. Most archliches are wizards, but there have been instances of clerics or warlocks becomeing archliches. You gain a claw attack that counts as an unarmed melee weapon attack in which you have proficiency with. General Information[1][4] Hunting down evil undead and necromancers can provide an opportunity for an alliance to form between undead hunters and undead undead hunters. I know the first impression that comes to most about undead is that they are unholy, evil monsters. Perhaps her original reason for living forever was eternal love and she realizes it's warped and stupid. But would you call Dexter a character who is of "Good" Alignment? Anything it is wearing transforms with it, but nothing it is carrying does. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. The Order also does not have any official ranks, renown within the organizaiton is more about trust and reputation than authority or rank. For evil characters, this answer is usually easier due to the presence of evil gods of undeath, and the general association of undeath and evil. Baelnorn are elves who have sought undeath to serve their families, communities, or other purposes (usually to see a wrong righted, or to achieve a certain magical discovery or deed). One night people catch sight of a mysterious hooded figure surrounded by skeletons in the woods, yet none of the skeletons seemed to harm any of the witnesses. The redeemed death knight adds 6 to the AC of another creature within 5 ft. of it that it can see against one melee attack that would hit that creature. Need to respect the DM's ruling and keep playing with the rest of the group. While any undead creature is attuned to the amulet, they are immune to all class features, spell effects, magic items, or any other magic that specifically target undead such as Turn Undead and Holy Water. [2] However, despite all its undead "gifts", a baelnorn considered its greatest resources to be its vast and deep intellect, its supreme mastery of wizardry, and its limitless time to scheme, research, and plan. Missing bones or organs cannot be replaced, and the spell does not work if the head or skull is missing. The Order thus has established many ways of secret communication by means of magic or coded language similar to Thieves Cant. Lay on Hands heals the living, but could it harm the undead who might have this power? As an action she can touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points up to the maximum remaining in her pool. Either way you were carefully embalmed and preserved after death, and magic bound your soul to your corpse wherein you awaken when the living dare disturb the domain you protect. Baelnorn can see through these images with their normal 90-foot infravision, and into the Ethereal Plane too. Anyone who desires to take away the will of another creature is my enemyeven a bard who charms others frequently is likely to meet my arrow. Spellcasting. Beasts include all varieties of ordinary animals, dinosaurs, and giant versions of animals. In ancient Myth Drannor, they stood watch against thieves, protected journeying elves, kept family lore, and tutored young wizards in magic. Life would be hard on Torrendra. Yet any power can be misused, even positive energy can have very dangerous and gruesome effects if wielded to dominate and destroy. Lawful good Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The party may accept the undead companion, except for one or two due to their devotion to a god who absolutely detests undead such as Kelemvor or the Raven Queen. [9], Baelnorns continued to stand vigil in the crypts of Myth Drannor after the city's refounding in the late 14th century DR. [9] The choice to become a baelnorn in ancient elvish society was seen as a great sacrifice in which an individual gave up their ability to determine their futures or to pursue social happiness. Such church grims start out only guarding their master's grave, but may extend their patrol around the entire graveyard. (They pass into a spirit trap, created by a powerful and secret 7th-level spell, and then are whisked into their next body.). The ritual isn't used often because of these limitations, and has only been used in desperation such as when a kingdom is too depleted (most likely due to the dragon) to afford adequate resurrection and more troops. You breathe a small semblance of life into an undead creature. While frightened, the creature's speed is 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. This perspective of undeath may even biased or flawed if undead have a tendency to spontaneously rise, or rise when a creature feels their death is unjust or that their time in the Material Plane ought to be extended in the case of revenants and ghosts. There is a spell to cheat natural lifespan, known as Clone, which allows a soulless body to be made for someone whom, upon death can become their new body. One of the difficulties that arises with incorporating non-evil undead is that many settings have established that the dark animating force behind undead, typically known as "negative energy" makes them evil or corrupts the world by existing alone. The ritual to create spartoi is incredibly rare, known by few and tucked away in vast libraries and lich lairs. or other foul entities. You touch a creature with a soul and fortify it against harm. The organization is largely decentralized and democratic in structure. Tiamat can innately cast divine word (spell save DC 26). The archlich also can cast spare the dying as a wizard cantrip and also affect undead creatures with it. Baelnorn Turn Living or Undead. Evil never rests, and thus there are some champions who fight against it whose sheer will never let them rest either. Nyx has the following flaws: If what you want is a nearly-immortal PC that comes back a week or so later when they are killed, consider porting the Ghoran from Pathfinder. For example, if you suffer from 3 levels of exhaustion due to blood deprivation, and must spend a This applies moreso to undead who do not have many boons; liches who spent much on their undeath may find some of the upper class favor them for their wealth and power, and possibly declare lichdom as a more acceptable form of undeath. They also appear in 3rd edition's Monstrous Compendium: Monsters of Faern. Afterward your character can stay with basic undead traits or be a specific type of undead creature. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th Level or higher, you can target 1 additional humanoid for each slot above 4th. A Lich is a very specific being, distinct from a supercomputer with a brain upload, a. A vampire might drink blood from his allies or attempt to subsist on animal blood. A baelnorn is a fictional undead creature, usually a spellcaster, in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game . A legendary sword has been destroyed in a great cathedral dedicated to a lawful good god who is a common patron of paladins. The baelnorn can bring forth terror to either the undead or living surrounding it. Gift of the Phoenix. You then rise as a ghost until you are resurrected reanimated if your soul does not have an automatic destination after death such as a phylactery or clone made with the clone spell. To the person who greatly fears their soul being ripped from the world of the living, Clone may be too unreliable, and being undead offers some resistances and abilties to further keep one's soul among the living. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, Reach 5 ft., one target. It is a mass campaign so I cannot be sure about the exact races/classes of my players, it gets decided by the players which adventure they want to join right before the session. Flaw: I still get jealous of longer-lived races such as elves, dwarves, and gnomes. So I want to create a stat block for a Baelnorn in 5e. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). A 'Dixie Flatline' was presented as a possible non-canon solution to this. point instead. In some settings the negative energy that animates undead is inherently evil in nature and no matter how good an undead creature was to begin with it will eventually be driven to the dark side. Powerful forces of evil that lord over undeath can see non-evil undead as threats to their own rule and thus seek to eliminate them. Etherealness. Most people dont know the order even exists, and the Order wants to keep it that way. They will use their status and connections to help an undead seek a mutually beneficial solution, for example if a neutral-aligned ghoul has been terrorizing people in a village, a member will re-locate the ghoul and help it temper its hunger; the villagers will be told the ghoul has been killed. This procedure is done in the city of Nocturnus, which is a necropolis of undead located in the Shadowfell that allows living visitors but not living residents, any living resident who wants to live in Nocturnus must become a necropolitan first. Neither nonintelligent animals nor undead willingly attack a baelnorn. Can you still use Commanders Strike if the only attack available to forego is an attack against an ally? At 1st level, your spellcasting continues to progress as if you were still taking levels in the prerequisite class using the same spell list available to the prerequisite class. If you are resurrected, you regain control of your body and the possessing creature is evicted. A guardian spirit of a deceased person may have already dwelt in the afterlife or at least be touched by the inner or outer planes after inhabiting them for awhile before allowing itself to come back. P.S. Is Casting Darkness/Shadow Spells Considered Evil? You and your group are hired to investigate missing undead minions from an evil magical research laboratory. The threat from these forces would have the be significant enough to prompt an uneasy alliance between undead, especially those whom might have once been enslaved by the evil undead: neutral-aligned undead would take the alliance much better than good aligned undead, and even these undead might have an internal conflict about the alliance. The undead creature would count as living creatures for any magical effects that specifically target undead after gaining a few levels. You now take no damage from nonmagical attacks and are immune to the following conditions: charmed, exhaustion, frightened and paralyzed. its phylactery to sustain the magic preserving its body and Stake to the Heart. Bone Attack. 8th level (1 slot): demiplane, power word stun Maybe even those who did not choose to be undead eventually find a strange sort of gnosis or peace in being undead and so do not wish to be resurrected for real. Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one target. Most ghouls are ravenous beings with little thought other than hunger, but some may awaken back to what they once where in mind. Some credit the existence of baelnorn to the strange ways of the elves and their gods, as it seems nothing else can explain the troublesome contradiction of their existence. The more general term for 'lich' originated from Clark Ashton Smith's 'Empire of the Necromancers', in which 'lich' meant living corpse. Customizing NPCs. Some undead are not afraid of the inevitable after a long and rich unlife, others would still be in denial of this happening. The reasons can vary beyond these. Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, thaumaturgy, spare the dying* This fits with the kinds of rituals that are generally given as requirements for becoming one. Those unknowing of him may try to don the armor, only to become possessed by him as long as they wear the armor. Many of spirits venerated are those of deceased ancestors. This figure was our ancestora baelnorn. There may be fonts of negative energy where undead are more likely to occur. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th or higher, you may also target living giants, monstrosities, and dragons. Magic Resistance. The baelnorn cannot send a message to the same creature for 10 minutes. Any other adventures would have destroyed me, but she saw that I was not going tibia numbskull! This may either be a diety adopting one as a porfolio or a new god rising with one. If your undead type has ability score bonuses and penalties if there are any, remove the subrace bonuses if your character has any, and replace them with those of the undead type. 5e vs 5.5e Fighter/Barbarian: A Damage Comparison r/dndnext Here's a pdf listing the (optional) added spells from the rules expansion set (Xanathar's Guide to Everything & Tasha's Cauldron of Everything) A church grim appears as9 it did in life but often black or a translucent gray as well as glowing eyes. A necromancer is forbidden from raising armies of enslaved undead, unless said undead are completely soulless. Animate dead and create undead spells can be modified to dismiss the spirit once its service is over to continue its journey in the afterlife. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage, or 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage if used with two hands. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 20, + 12 to hit with spell attacks). Example: Ezzie would have lost her natural forest gnome dexterity, but as a wight it has only enhanced it, so her forest gnome bonus of +1 Dexterity has become a higher +2 bonus to Dexterity as a wight. Perhaps if done right undeath actually can feel good; no aches or pains, no indigestion or sniffles. Medium undead, any evil alignment Fortunately they had heard his intentions and sorrow already, so he was able to reveal his state to them, and they in turn agreed he could be an asset to them. Incorporeal undead may have the most difficult time with interaction, but if one sticks to a haunt, it could be registered as the undeads property, or if it overlaps with someone elses property, an agreement has to be made. Some chose it to extend their experience or because they had unfinished business. Tarian is a level 8 spellcaster. These organism must destroy, break down, and absorb another organisms remains into more basic components to use for energy, to use to grow their own body, or other necessary biological functions. The new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery if it has one. They can only be truly destroyed by evil powers that directly harm souls. If an elf wished to become a baelnorn, it had to be for their clan's benefit, and the Coronal, the High Mages, and the elders of the clan had to agree. The skeleton can't attack or cast spells while in this form. How are engines numbered on Starship and Super Heavy? History[5] For example, a spy for the Order who is also a member of an adventure guild focused on eradicating undead may hear of them attempting to raid and take down the lair of a good lich who has been blamed for certain problems in the area. You release a bonechilling mist that makes the living feel dead. Although you have died, you remain clinging to the world of the living. Example: Being more active at night, Ezzie's druidic magic has increased her affinity to creatures like bats, spiders, moths, and cats. You may also adjust your duration of sleep to extend to up to a month to gain the benefits of a lesser restoration spell and up to three months or longer to gain the benefits of a greater restoration spell. Has anyone bring a Baelnorn to your table?, if yes, how did they pull it off? In another published adventure, there is a lich who is in very bad shape due to not feeding his phylactery but can be restored with a certain spell without the need to sacrifice any souls, though he is evil, the incident shows there may be another way. The effect of the phoenix ashes imbues the archlich with some of its firey power, allowing the archlich to even use its own reanimating force as a weapon. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is a fiend. Tarian could only cryor at least try to cry upon the ruins of his home, his family. If the corpse is reduced to bones, it gains vulnerability to bludgeoning damage but resistance to piercing damage. Nyx can wear dark, concealing clothing such a cloak with hood to negate damage from this weakness. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. They employ spells as they did in life (most were 15th-level wizards), using spellbooks and magical components, but many develop variant spells that dont require material components. Bond: I owe the shopkeeper my second chance. *Conjuration spell of 1st level or higher. Perhaps as you get to a higher in level you can revisit this idea with the DM. She brought me to see an ancient, withered figure, clad in the finest of robes and ornamentation that rivaled nobles. 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, disguise self, shield Raising the ensouled corpses or souls of children is forbidden. A church grim is no mere soul of a beast. We could imagine that there were a process to upload one's memories to a machine (or a network), and thereby achieve a form of immortality. Undead Fortitude. There's the problem of the phylactery. Example: Ezzie has become sensitive to seeing in sunlight; she now has to dwell in caves and dense forests during the day. Whether or not that is a possibility is entirely up to your DM and, while I expect the answer is 'no', it doesn't hurt to ask. 7th level (2 slots): etherealness, regenerate Only one person in the world knows of a way to access a secret cavern that is rumored to have many riches but also the key to destroying a powerful foe. What is important for the community is that you share your sources of inspiration. There may be souls begging to be brought back and reanimated to continue something unfinished or for vengeance. With some tinkering, one can add slight adjustments to a player character to make them undead. Many ancient baelnorn are also guardians and advisors to elven families who have chosen to remain in the world of the living to guide their descendants. Sometimes significantly. Some members will infiltrate groups that oppose them to gain information on the acts and whereabouts of their enemies. Undead Awakening. What if negative energy is not as dangerous and evil as many believe? Only a god of righteous giant predatory creatures can appreciate such a thing. I have party of 5 players, level 10. The first is to establish undead as free citizens in at least one country that is not heavily allied with evil. Here are some other ideas for undead characters who are not evil: A dedicated warrior to a cause continues past his lifespan by binding his soul to his armor, and becomes haunted armor that can behave like animated armor, but sentient and intelligent. If a church grim is killed, it will re-form above where its remains lay (even if they aren't there anymore) within 24 hours at night. You can always go with the "Dexter" type character. She has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, minor illusion, posion spray, prestidigitation She has the following paladin spells prepared: 1st level (4 slots): bane, detect good and evil, detect magic, hunter's mark You can have an Evil character that people can have an Evil character who is good for society. The archlich has the following wizard spells prepared: Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, prestidigitation, spare the dying* 4th level (3 slot): Evard's black tentacles*, stoneskin This completely ignores the fact that the DM is disallowing evil PCs. The summoned creature appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and cannot summon any other creatures. Damage Types: Acid Bludgeoning Cold Fire Force Lightning Necrotic Piercing Poison Psychic Radiant Slashing Thunder Nonmagical Attacks Non-Silvered Attacks Non-Adamantine . Undead workers can work for days on end without rest. On a success, the restless champion drops to 1 hit point instead. Most spartoi are proud to continue serving their lands or lords even in undeath. 4th level (3 slots): aura of purity, banishment Tons of reasons. Inhabit Object. Before the baelnorn takes this action, it must choose either undead or non-undead creatures. You also have advantage on any saving throws against being controlled by abilities such as Command Undead, if you already have advantage, take the advantage and double your saving throw modifier. Are positive and negative energy from their respective planes inherently good and evil? After all, they are often against the status quo of the world and oppose the will of gods from multiple sides. I have party of 5 players, level 10.

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