You can not finish this section only obvious and understandable things. In response to this, I described to him the situation, which basically, since it was already significant after the 2nd of May, somewhere the call was on May 45, that basically the main emissions from the destroyed block were stopped, that the situation is currently controlled. And because the whole point of our all activities boiled down to - if only not 2500 degrees. I brought on these failed projects about 25 million rubles. Do you understand? But the buildup was, however, not qualitative, but quantitative. Then these words struck me with their accuracy, although I myself was not yet able to formulate this task like that. Another idea that I repeatedly expressed and asked to execute (it has not yet been executed) is an idea related to the creation of flying robots, that is, radio-controlled model airplanes that would carry sensors. A large number of dams were built, dams, the purpose of which was to hold polluted garbage, foliage, everything that polluted the water superficially, so that radioactivity would not spread along Pripyat and further along the Dnieper. It was partially used in it (the text is erased). And so ... (Adamovich's words a. We boarded these cars and drove there. And I dealt with current activities indirectly, due to the fact that this was not my profession, the more | I was not charged more. This is how the idea of ​​a RBMK channel type reactor with graphite blocks, etc. - colleagues received awards from the Ministry; - because the Institute was part of Minsredmash. Terminology for the use of the word "your" in a call to action? This could mean that the reactor continues to operate. He was outside of Moscow, was at that time in one of the regions of the country, spending there party economic assets. Once I heard from Nikolai Nikolayevich PONOMAREVASTEPNO (we have such a deputy director for nuclear energy, the first deputy director today). At the same time, I was able to create a laboratory of safety measures, which, compared with other types of energy, evaluated various hazards of nuclear energy. Ocak 19, 2023. central intermediate school lunch menu. Then chemical compositions. From my point of view, Chernobyl began conditionally, of course, in 1961, that is, in the very year when GAGARIN flew into space or when it was the last highest achievement of Soviet science and technology. But this article was written clearly and clearly: firstly, that the physics of the reactor and, so to speak, the physical fundamentals of nuclear energy, the Soviet Union created such as all over the world, are in no way inferior, but techno | the logical gap, the implementation of these physical principles is huge and there is no need for the French to help the Russians to overcome this technological gap. But, in general, of course, these works were redundant. When you look at the chain of events: why did one do this, another tact, and so on, and so on, you can’t name the only culprit - the initiator of some unpleasant events that led to the crime. Moreover, it is done in different devices at different times. What a big difference there is - it's hard to say. For if she appeared, she would appear just in Chernobyl days. Yes. Moreover, by that time, the relationship between the supervisor and the chief designer had developed - well, quite tense. It began quite successfully. But magnesium oxides is certainly not metal. And most importantly, to emphasize that nuclear sources, like any previous source, it is the carrier of not only energy, but the carrier of a new technology. Therefore, in VVER reactors, power is limited by the size of the reactor vessel, and in RBMK reactors, power is unlimited: choose a graphite formation of enormous size, make holes in it, insert channels and can gain more power. These are the sanitary rules at that time existed. Now, the station personnel, who were supposed to serve the first and second units, were on duty, he was transferred, over 50 kilometers, to the “Fairy Tale” pioneer camp. And in the range from 25 to 75 roentgens the right to make a decision belonged to local authorities. In my opinion, it was not very similar to this, most likely it was a red-hot mass, as later I understood much later, a red-hot mass of sand, clay and all that was sketched. We, for example, is not clear. In general, the situation was so complicated that it became clear that the scale of the operation had to be increased. 's words: / weakly, poorly legible / "Well, what did GORBACHEV ask you about ... tell ..." / unintelligible / "), No, I turn off my ... (recording is interrupted). The first conclusions are that the bottom fish of course carry some part of the radioactivity in themselves, but no alarming symptoms are found. There is no need to strike us as we can sort the issue out quickly.☢ Prepperhub ☢ Here I am in Shcherbina on the plane told this story. The article should be based on the works: mine; Comrade Dyomin; Comrade Novikov; Comrade Sukhoruchkin, - but, nevertheless, these works should be collected and processed in such a way that some kind of integral philosophy would flow from them. Everything, of course, changed, but such cases, unfortunately, were. The Government Commission itself at this time has already moved. Responsible pipeline carelessly certified. To do this, a large range of chemical compounds that could have been produced were tested, to close contaminated sites, while passing water through themselves, but not allowing noticeable dust removal and creating such compositions, testing them and organizing their introduction over large areas. All this work fell on the shoulders of the army. Antes de quitarse la vida, grabó una cinta revelando la información que el gobierno soviético ocultó a la Agencia Internacional de la . This means that this applies to no less a degree, but to a greater extent to chemical plants, where we still have disgraces of this sort, much more than in the nuclear industry. At certain points that deserved it, he stopped and scolded some of the managers, specialists, either for the fact that there was a high injury rate somewhere, or for some financial omissions, or for some specific, technically not precise operation carried out in a particular place. And so, the scientific atmosphere and scientific spirit in reactor engineering - he gradually began to submit, as it were, to such engineering will - ministerial will. ), Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. But psychologically, I didn’t have, somehow, the strength, the ability of people to announce it. Valery Legasov Tapes Transcript. It was an amazingly calm person. But this is bullshit, because all these rods are falling: from the operator; from the machine; from pressing a button and so on. Fortunately, a sufficiently large amount (forty tons) of boron carbide was unpolluted in the warehouse, which was primarily thrown from helicopters from the top into the mouth of the destroyed reactor. On his orders I was found. He took as chairman a decision. What kind of talk could there be? In this sense, of course, not an addition, but, in fact, an alternative to today's energy industry. As I did not have any administrative authority over this division, I generally understood many specific details of what was happening and although I was worried that I began to offer engineering and not a physical approach to solving problems to the reactor environment, but somehow the picture I naturally could not. This burning would continue, given that there are 2,400 tons of two thousand four hundred hours. And here you eat by car, eat for a long, long time and you see such a picture before ... (the words of Adamovich A. VALERY LEGASOV sits on a small chair against the wall near one of the flags. Night, if you managed to spend it, people spent the night in a hotel located next to the city committee of the party. All of this here wore such a sort of sparodic, suddenly arising, character. (the words of Adamovich A. Since the radiation situation suggested some effective actions, it was possible to make them possible only from the air and from a height of not less than two hundred meters above the reactor, the corresponding equipment, which would allow, say, traditionally with the help of water and foam and other means to complete the extinction of graphite did not have. Then the story came to the fact that science was subordinate to the Ministry. The shape of the moon limb/crescent (terminator line). And Pripyat was, so at the time of the explosion itself, it was clean. It increased because the scouts went to new facilities, and old facilities received a large number of radioactive nuclides that fell on them. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists also stated that Legasov had become bitterly disillusioned with the failure of the authorities to confront the design flaws. volume, the population received information about what was happening, which would relate to information with full confidence and, most importantly, with the ability to use this information for some practical actions, or to show there You need to worry, and where it is necessary, on the contrary, calm down, that it would be rather regular and not unexpected. The more nuclear power plants were built, the more real, of course, there was the danger that somewhere, once there could be trouble. For example, I can really today ... (erased) ... well, it means that the information came in a standard form. But in describing the causes of the accident, Valery Legasov, who headed the Soviet delegation at the Vienna meeting, also spoke of ``a tremendous psychological mistake on the part of the . What is happening, no one could explain anything to us. Or I will say. The first plane I flew. Well, tomorrow will be, but now there is no seychasto, but what if there will be no tomorrow? Well, in general, it was quickly discovered that the waters themselves were not very contaminated, and the sludge was affected and the concentration of radioactive elements in the sludge, for example, in the cooler, reached 10 minus 5 degrees of Curie, (end of side "B", cassette N 3, part 6 | ). It would seem that there should be a circle there, as I write in the sentences: - three kilometers and 10 kilometers - a circle. Late at night, on the 4th of May, Ivan Stepanovich SILAEV (very calm, very efficiently conducting his work) was already in charge there. And they had, five times six times slower. And it turned out that there, this lining gave 800 X-rays per hour, and here no more than 10 millirentgen per hour. Because, well, one telegram was simply provocative, obviously provocative - an additional explosion was to be arranged, well, it was offered to introduce nitrate mixtures to us. The presence of such a military center played a large positive role in the fact that the work proceeded fairly quickly and with minimal dose loads, although in general the integral dose loads were of course quite large due to the huge amount of work, due to the huge number of people involved in this work. In Chernobyl, I had to deal with highly organized with very clear young people who best performed the functions that were laid out on them. Well, drove Chernobyl. It was clear that graphite burned and each particle of graphite bears on itself a sufficiently large number of radioactive sources. On May 2, the Government Commission was already located in the city of Chernobyl. Learning to prepare is preparing to survive. He called, of course, the second chairman of the Government Commission, comrade SILAEV Ivan Stepanovich, maybe he called SHCHERBINA and talked to him, but that was out of my presence. But the iron shot that was found at the station was contaminated with radioactivity, so it was impossible to load it into helicopters, first of all. He reported this as calmly enough, albeit with vexation. But when it was possible to observe such cases. [3] A escola atualmente possui seu nome e um busto de bronze na entrada, ostentando sua imagem. It seems to me that Vladimir Konstantinovich needs to develop these questions. This Center carried out the same very large work on measuring the state of radioactivity, on carrying out radioactivity, on wind transfer, on the dynamics of the state of various territories and made its great contribution in research and practical terms to all those works that were carried out in Chernobyl. The coarsest, and errors. That is, the ability to combine. As before, for the largest piece of d | the activities of the Institute of Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Synthesis — Yevgeny Pavlovich VELIKHOV answered completely. No, we have 14 VVER apparatuses without caps. Although it was difficult to fight, because the group of specialists (who, you know, are there: - hurray! At the same time, of course, the direct selection of samples for the content of plutonium and other heavy alpha-active elements was carried out continuously by the method of sampling, in order to compare the helicopter data with direct sampling. This is the main reason for the scale of the accident. But we did one operation: we broke off pieces of the facing of one of the buildings and took them away from Pripyat to Chernobyl. This type of apparatus came from the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, where several such devices, for special purposes, were built and operated in the most unique way. But, indeed, on water-water, corps apparatuses, more and more world experience was accumulating that could be exchanged: operating experience; used technical solutions; software (as it was possible to share, adapt to this). But it is so. It was necessary for the Task Force to make more than once decisions and on accepting or not accepting the foreign assistance that was offered during this period of time. The first thing to do was to do reconnaissance. Of course, there was a danger that temperatures are significantly higher, then a significant part of the lead can evaporate somewhere at an ordinary temperature of 1600-1700 degrees and then in addition to radioactive contamination lead pollution of the area can occur and, on the effective side, this component will not play. So they directed all efforts to harmonize these rates, to make a dry canal. All the same, all my life I did not think that I would have to, at least at the age at which I am now, having just survived my fiftieth anniversary, turn to essentially a memoir of some part, and a part of it is tragic, in many respects confusing and incomprehensible. External cleanliness station. The government commission for the first few days worked in Pripyat. And now it turned out that it is impossible to make such a speed at the rod, in the end of the ends. Because all the same there was a hot zone. As he told me: he called the Ministry of Energy and VERETENNIKOV in the Ministry of Energy, and, behold, Shasharin, and got to the DISABLED comrade MARYIN about the Central Committee of the Party reported about it. Around the same time, when the fate of the 3rd unit was decided (well, due to this situation, the start-up date from the summer period it was scheduled for was shifted to the autumn), the need for commissioning works at 5m and 6m blocks. Even more. It is safe to say about those programs that Ruteny Mikhailovich FIELD owns, which has created several of them - they can be written as activities. But still, they were minimized through the activities of this military center, which worked in collaboration with scientific organizations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Atomic Energy, and Kiev research organizations. Yes, because when in the 60s it became clear that it was expensive and almost impossible to develop industry in the European part and provide it with electricity from organic sources, and that it was necessary to put nuclear sources into operation - fast paced. They are trying to improve the reliability of the reactor so that there is no accident. They did a great job. How does the World Economic Forum seem to have so much influence? ): - he demanded military acceptance; - he demanded an increase in the quality of equipment, etc., and so forth. For example, the operators of the first and second block did not leave their posts. Just think, we have dozens of reactors there, and the Americans have 90 of them, and the British have 40, and the French have 60. How long will the war in Ukraine have to last for Ukrainian refugees to become permanent residents. (Adamovich A. I said this to Mikhail Sergeyevich on the 6th of May, most likely still not knowing that on the 6th of May, the Session of the International World Health Organization, specially collected on this issue, came to the same conclusions. But then it turned out that the side walls of the reactor were destroyed. Since neither before the spring flood, nor after it, the waters of the Dnieper basin did not contain pollutants exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations that would threaten the health of people. conditions and in the evening, Ivan Stepanovich solemnly thanked and handed over a package with a thousand rubles. When the fire ended, when we established that the temperature was superficial (such an observable) did not exceed 300 degrees Celsius, well, all the measures aimed at eliminating the hearth itself, that is, its distribution, ended. But since the whole world understands that it is “maximum”, this does not mean 100%, and that there is always some chance that some element of the equipment, even the most reliable, can refuse and that some person is maliciously intent or illiterate circumstances can accomplish something, then a mandatory third element is introduced: 3.- all this dangerous production with the most reliable reactor; with the most reliable operation - must be encapsulated. I knew. And a big army appeared there. Sand played a double role: on the one hand, it melted, and we found it. And we had made a powerful Gosplan miscalculation, calculated on the fact that we have enough organic fuel for a lot and we practically do not need nuclear power, and | It was clear by the 60th year (61.62.63 g approximately at this time) that the miscalculation was made, that the European part of the Soviet Union, where 80 percent of the population and industry are concentrated on us, will not live on imported fuel, and Donetsk coal has become too expensive and it has become too little. What was really true. Dosimeters with the appropriate scales from the minimum dose to the maximum dose were not. Well, the quality of the manufactured zirconium and the quality of the manufacture of pipes from it are improved, the mode of operation is improved - and now they calm down until the next one, the next case. They blew, closed everything and for three years nobody even approached the station. Not everything was accurately documented what has already been done and what has not been done. Here Viktor Alekseevich SIDORENKO repeatedly criticized him. First of all, it was necessary to introduce as many boron-containing components as possible, which with any movements of the fuel mass, in any unexpected situations, would provide a sufficiently large number of effective neutron absorbers in the crater of the destroyed reactor. The speed of the introduction of protection was seemingly inadequate. After some time, she had the living conditions created for work. Therefore, the main work was undertaken by Armen A. Abagyan, Director of the Institute of the All-Russia Research Institute of Nuclear Power Plants (Institute of Nuclear Power Plants of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the present, and then of the Ministry of Energy). Therefore, ultimately, the most successful way turned out to be remote-controlled bulldozers, or simply bulldozerskrepers. In addition, care was taken on their shoulders so that the evacuation problem would pass without panic, that there would be no panic moods, some excesses that would interfere with normal operation. A crimson, or rather crimson, glow stood above the station, which made it quite different from a nuclear power plant. It is clear that the heat release from this mass of fuel continues. We are so focused on our search for the truth we fail to consider how few actually want us to find it. The number of people staying on the site increased all the time because each group demanded new assistants for themselves: visitors either with instruments, or with documents, or with working tools that were required to perform the operation. It will be kept for quite a long time. "And then you went to work past these suits ..."). Legasov committed suicide on the second anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. Consequently, the fuel, uranium oxide tablets, could melt and not provide an additional source of radioactive particles. But fortunately, nature has arranged so that the radionuclides are separate particles in the silts are kept quite firmly and now a thorough study is being conducted of the questions: does any part of this radioactivity, fixed in the silts, get into living organisms living in rivers. . This is its distinguishing feature, if not to speak about the specific design features of such stations. Legasov ordered and organized . We talked with people who were evacuated, or with people who conducted work on the 4th block, on decontamination and this information was broadcast. They were created, tested, but the matter ended with the fact that one of the latest constructions, lifted by a helicopter, immediately fell to the ground during the tests and was completely removed. But the American author of the article criticized the French for not doing it in vain (for political reasons, they say - for nothing, for economic reasons - for nothing). (the words of Adamovich A.: "And what is this nitrate mixture?"). "Who gave the first signal? That's how much they felt, for example, in an inconspicuous way, but the work of the KGB was felt, how much it was not felt that the positive was not visible, but the negative helpless part of the work of the Civil Defense was visible in the first days of these events. Valery legasov was a nuclear physicist. I remember once Lev Petrovich FEOKTISTOV, who just started working at our institute, tried to analyze conceptually the issues of a more reliable reactor, a more interesting reactor, which would exclude (then this problem excited) the developments of such fissionable materials that could be removed from the reactor and used in nuclear weapons. Chernobyl: Valery Legasov Tapes Legasov&39;s Original Own Voice HD Compilation 01; Csernobili jelentés (Híradó, 1986.07.18.) A happily married father of two grown children, Valery Legasov was 49 years old at the time of the accident and approaching the pinnacle of his career at the top of the Soviet scientific .

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