The results of adoption decision equation representing the determinants of adoption are given in the 4th and 5th columns, while the impact on farm gross margin is presented in the 2nd and 3rd columns of Table 8. In drier conditions, weathering processes are less intense which, together with … What is interesting is that unlike the other continents, Africa does not exhibit large expanses of prairie or steppe-type soils (i.e. Kastanozems, Chernozems and Phaeozems). The new harmonised soil map shows the soil classes at continental scale. The map has been produced for the Soil Atlas of Africa [1]. Rainfall regime (nun Der mum) Major soils (USDA) Fig. A total of three hundred (300) farmers were sampled from the fifteen communities for the study. iBooks, Google Books, Kindle apps, Kobo, etc.). The authors also appreciate the research assistants who helped them in collecting primary data on the field. Aside the environmental benefits, effective solid waste management will also play a major role in preventing some urban health concerns, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) [23, 24]. 63–68, 2017. A decline in soil quality has a marked impact on plant growth and yield, grain quality, production costs and the increased risk of soil erosion. Search for more papers by this … A. Ullah, S. N. M. Shah, A. Ali, R. Naz, A. Mahar, and S. A. Kalhoro, “Factors affecting the adoption of organic farming in Peshawar-Pakistan,” Agricultural Sciences, vol. Very few studies have investigated this subject in Ghana, mainly looking at the relationship between fertilizer adoption and crop yield [38–42]. This is similar to our findings in Tables 4 and 6 that show that the cost of production is lower among adopters when compared to nonadopters and income is also higher among adopters when compared to nonadopters. 9, no. 159–217, 2004. Total Source: Agboola (1986). The variability of seasonal rainfall can be as high as 400mm. G. Adugna, “A review on impact of compost on soil properties, water use and crop productivity,” Academic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Research, vol. The goal was to produce a publication, aimed at the general public, decision makers, politicians, teachers and even scientists in other disciplines, that raises awareness of the significance of soil to human existence in Africa. F. Mahmood, I. Khan, U. Ashraf et al., “Effects of organic and inorganic manures on maize and their residual impact on soil physico-chemical properties,” Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, vol. The negative sign indicates a positive bias, suggesting that farmers with above average gross margin have a higher propensity of using organic fertilizer. Raosoft, “Sample size calculator,” 2013, The finding implies that not only does the use of organic fertilizer increase yield and farm income but also has the potential to increase gross margins by 63%. 1128-2016-92015, pp. Increased access to extension services could have positive influence on the adoption of organic fertilizer. Estimated current demand of organic fertilizers. 52, no. Park, “An empirical analysis of internet use by U.S. Farmers,” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, vol. %�쏢 5, no. An introduction to the Soil Atlas of Africa was presented at the European Parliament's session 'Land and soil degradation post Rio+20', on November 9th 2012 (hosted by Sandrine Bélier, MEP). Based on the most recent domestic production data, the shortfall between domestic production and domestic consumption has increased more than 267,000 metric tons coupled with considerable unfulfilled demand for processed maize use and for the growing animal feed sector within Ghana. The majority of farmers interviewed are illiterates, and this may have a negative impact on organic fertilizer adoption as education tends to have positive influence on technology adoption [67–69]. This paper provides a holistic literature review of climate change and variability in Ghana by examining the impact and projections of climate change and variability in various sectors (agricultural, health and energy) and its implication on ecology, land use, poverty and welfare. Alluvial soils (Fluvisols) and eroded and shallow soils (Leptosols) are found in all the agro-ecological zones. X. Chen, D. Zeng, Y. Xu, and X. Webland use types, namely, maize and cassava cropping, woodlot/plantations, and natural forests on soil productivity components, especially soil carbon accretion, at six sites … In Ghana, biodegradation of marine crude oil pollution using native bacterial consortium is yet to be fully exploited. This is the ratio of the total number of farmers surveyed who are using organic fertilizer relative to the total number of farmers surveyed , which represent the pace at which organic fertilizer is acquired and used by the public.where is the Organic fertilizer potential adoption rate. 27, no. The Southern portions experience two rainfall peaks, a major season occurring from May –July, and a minor season occurring from September to November. SOIL PROPERTIES IN SIX … is computed as the proportion of farmers in a region who are likely to farm in the year.where is the computed current demand for organic fertilizer, which is the product of the total number of active farmers , organic fertilizer adoption rate , mean acreage under organic fertilizer , and mean quantity of organic fertilizer used per acre .where DDF is the computed future demand, which is a product of the total number of active farmers , organic fertilizer potential adoption rate , projected future mean acreage under organic fertilizer , and projected mean quantity of organic fertilizer to be used . Biomass resources cover about 20.8 million hectares of the 23.8 million ha land mass of Ghana, and is the source of supply of about 60% of the total energy used in the country (Ghana Energy Commission, 2004). The t-test results in Table 4 show that the mean difference in maize farm size of nonadopters and adopters of organic fertilizer is about 0.2 acres, which is not statistically significant. The first ever SOIL ATLAS OF AFRICA uses striking maps, informative texts and stunning photographs to answer and explain these and other questions. 2, pp. This implies that farmers using organic fertilizer will obtain higher incomes than those who did not use organic fertilizer, which is consistent with the findings of Amfo and Ali [38], Martey [40], and Boateng [80]. Data with detailed P inputs (Fertlizer, manure, atmospheric deposition) and P ouptus (Crop harvesting, erosion). One of the major contributions of this study is to go beyond the impact on yield to include income and profitability, which is often not studied. D. Awunyo-Vitor, “Determinants of farmers’ access to financial services and the effect of credit on maize productivity in Ashanti and Brong Ahafo regions of Ghana,” University of Ghana, Legon Accra, Ghana, 2012, A PhD Thesis Submitted to the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. (No. 10, no. The simplest approach to determine the impact of participation on farm and welfare outcomes would be to include in the welfare equation, a dummy variable (one to represent the farm households that participated and then zero otherwise using ordinary least squares (OLS)). The MOBi file format is designed for Kindle readers and apps. H. Uematsu and A. K. Mishra, “Can education be a barrier to technology adoption? The estimated correlation between the treatment assignment error and the outcome errors is −0.84. High transportation costs and lack of knowledge of organic fertilizer importance are limiting factors to the adoption of organic fertilizer. As expected, adopters recorded a higher gross margin of $152 compared to $82 for nonadopters. P. Pornpratansombat, Socio-Economic Analysis Of Organic And Conventional Agriculture In Thailand: An Empirical Study On Rice Sector, Giessen: Marg, Hesse, Germany, 2010. The authors want to acknowledge the support of MoFA staff who facilitated our meetings with farmers and who also granted us interviews and providing us with all relevant documents to assist us in conducting this study. There are 4 simple ways to fetch your SBI CIF number. Major soil types in these two zones are basically Gleysols and to a lesser extent, Fluvisols. 5, no. A study describing ESDAC developments in last 10 years. WebRainfall regime and soil type distribution in Ghana. H. Senkoro, Solid Waste Management In Africa: A Who/Afro Perspective, Paper 1. 1, pp. R. Hernandez-Sanjaime, M. Gonzalez, and J. J. Lopez-Espin, “Multilevel simultaneous equation model: a novel specification and estimation approach,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. There are three principal types of vegetation from south to north occurring in the coastal savanna, in the forest zone, and in the northern savanna zone. E. A. Stuart, S. M. Marcus, M. V. Horvitz-Lennon, R. D. Gibbons, S. L. T. Normand, and C. H. Brown, “Using non-experimental data to estimate treatment effects,” Psychiatric Annals, vol. Transport subsidy for organic fertilizer transportation will be a useful policy option. They also play an essential role in biogeochemical cycles, acting as sinks and sources of greenhouse … N. B. Douti, S. K. Abanyie, and S. Ampofo, “Solid waste management challenges in urban areas of Ghana: a case study of Bawku Municipality,” International Journal of Geosciences, vol. You can order the Soil Atlas from the EU Bookshop of the Publication Office in Luxembourg at the price of 25 EUR. Either download the file to your computer or Cloud Storage. Subsidy on organic fertilizer should be considered as it will stimulate its adoption and increase yield, income, and profit significantly. Dewitte, O., Jones, A., Spaargaren, O., Breuning-Madsen, H., Brossard, M., Dampha, A., Deckers, J., Gallali, T., Hallett, S., Jones, R., Kilasara, M., Le Roux, P., Michéli, E., Montanarella, L., Thiombiano, L., Van Ranst, E., Yemefack, M., Zougmore, R., 2013. ��( Customer Information File number also, known as CIF number, is a crucial term used in banks. Perhaps the most pressing it that contributes directly to a decline in per capita food production, especially in small holdings throughout Africa. This model assumes a joint normal distribution between the errors of the treatment equation (organic fertilizer adoption) and the outcome equation (yield, farm income, and gross margin). The study has clearly revealed that farmers prefer organic fertilizer over chemical fertilizers. Increased access to transport will have a positive impact on the adoption of organic fertilizers as it is bulky and hence very expensive to transport. At its heart is a series of annotated maps that show, for the very first time, the diversity of soil characteristics across the African continent in a manner that is comprehensible to the layperson. The Atlas calls for a four-pronged approach to the soils of Africa: To increase organic fertilizer adoption as the results indicates, more education must be done on the importance of organic fertilizer in crop production, and it must be made readily available through capacity building of farmers on the production of organic fertilizer and encourage investors to go into commercial production of organic fertilizer. Five communities were randomly selected from these selected districts. Soil fertility levels as observed for selected parameters are low across locations, particularly The increase in farm income could also be as a result of high market premium associated with organic products. The estimated current demand for organic fertilizer is about 0.7 million t/annum with a potential to rise to about 2.7 million t/annum in the long term. Download the ePUB versionDownload the Kindle version, How to read the ePUB file? The likelihood ratio test of independence of using organic fertilizer (adoption decision) and income (outcome) equations indicates that the null hypothesis of no correlation between usage and income can be rejected at the 1% level of significance. [43] also found a positive relationship in their fertilizer adoption work in Ghana. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative data in this study. G. Abebe and S. Debebe, “Factors affecting use of organic fertilizer among smallholder farmers in Sekela district of Amhara region, Northwestern Ethiopia,” Cogent Food and Agriculture, vol. sL�_H�~'.��ϙ�������~X�:�����c��Q嶪rsT`�����V����y=��|�U�\��O'�^���c&�/�ټ���ʾ�LJ�͸��}���^%^b�-��`��+S�0 �ubmm���ʞ��� �Z�Yn�����0��){��׶�ۗZ�(��F���S Electronic or Digital Books) has brought about a technological revolution in the world of publishing by allowing users to 'read' documents as books on a wide range of dedicated hardware devices (e.g. This paper seeks to establish relationship between organic fertilizer usage and crop farm performance and assess its commercialization potential. Estimates of impact of the endogenous treatment effect model of the impact of OF on income. It is estimated that the major cities in Ghana generate about 2000 tons of mixed municipal waste per day, of which 80% is collected [28]. [71], where they established the fact that access to input market could influence organic fertilizer adoption positively. This represents the ratio of the total number of farmers who are willing to adopt organic fertilizer ) relative to the total number of farmers surveyed ).where represents the total number of active farmers in the region. Panel data for the period from 2008 to 2019 was used for the analysis. Organic fertilizer did not only increase yields but also increased farm income up to about 53% when used. Open access. Conversion of organic and municipal waste to compost also provides human and environmental health protection and opportunities for employment [5]. I. Ugulu, P. Akhter, Z. Iqbal Khan, M. Akhtar, and K. Ahmad, “Trace metal accumulation in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) grown using organic fertilizers and health risk assessment from consumption,” Food Research International, vol. The sample size calculated was adjusted for a 10% nonresponse rate [51]. O. Cofie, K. C. Rao, S. Fernando, and J. Pau, Composting Experience in Developing Countries: Drivers and Constraints for Composting Development in Ghana, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, Final Report for World Bank, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2009b. 329-338. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2011.07.003, European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC),, European Commission, Joint Research Centre. The decision to participate or not is voluntary and maybe based on individual self-selection. While itself is unobserved, we can determine the farmer choice as his or her revealed preference. Phosphorus budget and P stocks in EU. Transport subsidy for organic fertilizer transportation will be a useful policy option. 146, pp. 1, Article ID 1669398, 2019. 1, pp. Download the PDF version of Soil Atlas of Africa. 320-2016-10090),” 2010, In this case, the endogenous treatment model is used to assess the determinants of organic fertilizer adoption and its impact on yield, income, and gross margin of maize production and their determinants jointly. 68, no. Hence, neglecting the self-selection and potential endogeneity of organic fertilizer adoption will produce wrong estimates of the treatment model and will overestimate the effect of organic fertilizer adoption on household farm outcomes, hence the use of the ETEM. 39–52, 2013. Generally, fertilizer adoption for crop production in Ghana is low due to the low-income levels of farmers and high cost of fertilizer. the establishment of measures to assess the impacts of current policies and land use practices on soil quality in areas such as agriculture, waste, urban development or mining, and to ensure the sustainable use of soil and its functions, together with action programmes to deal with the main issues of local concern, support to facilitate the networking of soil scientists and land use experts from all parts of Africa. The majority of farmers interviewed preferred organic fertilizer to mineral fertilizer with the reasons being that organic fertilizers improve the soil capacity to hold nutrients for longer period, it is less expensive, it improves the soil structure, and it increases crop yield. When the treatment can be categorized by a dichotomous indicator function, its effects are typically estimated via instrumental variables or variants of the control function approach motivated by Heckman [59, 61, 64–66], The endogenous treatment effect model allows for a correlation between unobservable factors affecting OF adoption and those affecting the farm outcomes (yield, farm income, and gross margin). This is followed by high transportation costs and lack of knowledge of organic fertilizer importance, which is collaborated by the work of [74]. Easy access to technology, education, and extension has great influence on technology adoption [30]. Methodology and data collection The Kwaebibirem District in the Eastern Region of Ghana was the focus of the study. Breaking this cycle (i.e. 8, no. M. M. Waithaka, P. K. Thornton, K. D. Shepherd, and N. N. Ndiwa, “Factors affecting the use of fertilizers and manure by smallholders: the case of Vihiga, western Kenya,” Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, vol. Within the country, northern Ghana is bordered by Volta Region to the southeast and Brong-Ahafo Region to the southwest. 61, no. The map has been produced for the Soil Atlas of Africa [1]. V. F. Boateng, “Adoption, technical efficiency and welfare effects of organic vegetable production in the Northern Region of Ghana (Doctoral dissertation),” 2018, J. J. Heckman, “A partial survey of recent research on the labor supply of women,” The American Economic Review, vol. This trend indicates that if alternative uses are not identified for organic waste, its associated health and environmental negative impacts can only get worse. The annual runoff of 56.4 billion m 3 is contributed from all rivers with Volta River contributing a massive 41.6 billion m 3.The mean annual runoff of 38.7 billion m 3 is from the Volta basin in Ghana thus about 64.70% of the total annual runoff. 587–593, 2015. This is what motivated this study to dive deeper to assess the impact of organic fertilizer on farm profitability (gross margins).

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