Overtime is either paid according to the time of the day for the extra work, or it can be taken as time off in lieu. København: Københavns Universitet, OECD (2021), OECD/AIAS ICTWSS Database , version: 17 Feb 2021, Paris. Working time is mainly regulated by collective bargaining. SECTORAL ANNEX ON MEDICAL DEVICES. 291 of 22 March 2010). The purpose of this note is to provide a snapshot of the functioning of collective bargaining in Denmark that can be used for comparisons with other countries in the database. 2019. Part-time work is regulated by both collective agreement and by supplementary legislation building on the part-time work Directive in areas where there is no collective agreement. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that the working conditions are safe and sound in any way as emphasised in The Working Environment Act. The executive order contains detailed rules supplementing working environment legislation and applies to any work performed for an employer. A ‘conflict of interests’ occurs in periods and areas when and where there is no collective agreement in force – in these instances, industrial action, such as strikes, lockouts or blockades can be taken provided that there is a reasonable degree of proportionality between the goal to be obtained and the means used to obtain it. The Vocational Committees (faglige udvalg) are bipartite committees with representation of the social partners. The report also explores how robust collective bargaining arrangements in other open economies are credited with strong consumer demand, economic … Cases of discrimination are dealt with by the Committee of Equal Treatment (Ligebehandlingsnævnet) and cases can also be brought in the normal juridical system. All workplaces must have a workplace assessment (APV) and in contrast to the shop steward who is elected on a voluntary basis, a working environment representative elected among the employees is obligatory in companies with more than 10 employees. The vocational committees decide duration and structure of the training programmes, including the distribution of school and practical training in the different programmes. 37, No. Cevea (2020) Barsels-ligestilling i sneglefart – især blandt kortuddannede og i provinsen, Cevea, Copenhagen. : Danish plumbers’ union. Fórsa critical of low level of collective bargaining in Ireland. All the indicators are better than the EU averages. Where to next?, Journal of Industrial Relations, pp. There are two private sector confederations and three employer organisations in the public sector. There is to be a sectoral bargaining fund equivalent to 1% of basic salaries, with an eventual payment date of February 1, 2022. SECTORAL ANNEX ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY. At the end of 2018, it was still 60 years for those born before the second half of 1953, making early retirement available for five years if applicable. Besides wage and working time, training, life-long learning, further training, paternity leave, education leave, options of free-time, leave during sickness, a child’s first sick day, senior days, stress, and harassment are parts of the bargaining agenda. The GDP is currently higher than before the pandemic, which is also the case regarding the number of people employed in Denmark. Eurostat, LFS ad-hoc modules: 2019. Job quality by age. To help repair the economic and social damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU leaders have also agreed on a recovery plan that will lead the way out of the crisis and lay the foundations for a modern and more sustainable Europe. Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskrift › Paper uden forlag/tidsskrift › … In Denmark, there are no legal obligations for specific quotas for the employment or appointment of people from certain groups in the labour market, including supervisory boards. Thus, the pay negotiations are closer to the normal wage system than the minimum-wage system. Eurostat database. Collective bargaining in the private and the public sectors takes place in the first quarter, beginning in January. This feature of sectoral bargaining can make it more palatable to conservatives, as they prefer cooperative labor relations to the adversarial model promoted by enterprise-based … Work organisation underpins economic and business development and has important consequences for productivity, innovation and working conditions. The degree of involvement of the social partners is in general high regardless of the government in office. The normal wage system only covers approx. Please feel free to contact your country contact at Eurofound for this or any other information at information@eurofound.europa.eu. Maternity/paternity benefits – In 2021 the maximum is DKK 4,460 (EUR 600) per week. Eurostat database. Eurofound (2020d), Employee representation at establishment or company level: A mapping report ahead of the 4th European Company Survey, working paper, Dublin. Unemployment rates for all categories were lower than the EU averages. Afhandling præsenteret på The Political Economy of Public Sector Wage Setting in Europe, Tyskland. The latest figures from Statistics Denmark show that on average men earn 13% more than women. All dimensions. The validity of a collective agreement has always been between two to four years depending on the economic perspectives. Wage negotiations follow two trends. Collective-bargaining coverage also increased during this period in Denmark from 80 to 85 per cent, compared with a decline in Australia from a very high level of 90 per cent in 1970 to only 45 per cent in 2010. The bodies mentioned below are permanent tripartite/bipartite bodies that are either set up by legislation or collective agreement, and mostly concern employment, training and work environment. The Danish vocational education and training programmes are alternating or ‘sandwich-type’ programmes, where practical training in a company alternates with teaching at a vocational college. The voluntary early retirement (efterløn) age has gradually increased, resulting in fewer years between the early retirement and the state pension. The Danish Working Environment Act is a framework act, which lays down the general objectives and requirements in relation to the working environment. Workplace representation is codified by collective agreement. This section briefly summarises regulation and issues regarding working time, overtime, part-time work as well as working time flexibility in Denmark. Source: Eurostat Labour Force Survey [lfsi_pt_a] – Persons employed part-time (20 to 64 years of age) – total and by sex. Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council Apr 2021 - Present 1 year 10 months. Ongoing research by Eurofound, based on EurWORK, the European Working Conditions Survey and the European Company Survey, monitors developments in work organisation. The regulation of health and safety and the working environment is mostly done by legislation – in this case the Act on the Working Environment (Consolidation Act no 268 of 18 March 2005 – Arbejdsmiljøloven). Findings for each country and a range of data pages are available. Clusters within information technology, life sciences, and cleantech are booming. In the last two decades subjects that used to be regulated by legislation have also appeared in the collective agreement, including leave, stress and harassment. 58, No 5, pp. Work–life balance problems have increased in Denmark during the observation period 2003–2016, following the trend also seen in many other EU countries. expansion of sectoral bargaining, where all competitors in an industry are engaged in collective bargaining with a single or multiple union.”1 Sectoral Bargaining was supported by every major Democrat running for president in 2020. Increasingly important in this context are the EU’s policy priorities for a European Green Deal, a digital future, an economy that works for people, promoting and strengthening European democracy. Formally, the issue of equal pay was introduced in the agreements of 1973. : The Industrial Agreement. Employment rates for all categories were above EU averages in 2019 (See key figures above). The focus is on out-of-court mechanisms supplemented with a Labour Court with representatives from the social partners, state-employed judges from the Supreme Court and arbitration courts supervised by the social partners. The education system gets the highest rating, being 7.7 on average in 2016 (on a scale of 1–10). When employing a new employee for longer than a month with an average weekly working time of more than eight hours, it is obligatory to draw up an employment contract. Most agreements follow a similar practice. World Indicators of Skills for Employment. In practice it is necessary to terminate an agreement according to a provision in the main agreements between the social partners, even if the purpose is to re-negotiate the former agreement. If the case concerns a breach of the collective agreement, it must in the end be referred to the Labour Court (Arbejdsretten). This section briefly summarises the Danish system for ensuring skills and employability and looks into the extent of training. There have not been any big issues or resistance regarding the government’s and social partners’ measures on the possibility to demand Corona passports or self-testing. The latter prevails in the public sector, where paid overtime is rare. The main mechanism is vertical coordination, in Denmark centralised decentralisation with the central or sectoral level as the central point. The main institutions and mechanisms ensuring the enforcement of employee’s rights (the labour courts) are regulated by the social partners. In addition, conflicts of interests may arise between trade unions and employers not covered by a collective agreement. National Cooperation Council (Samarbejdsnævnet), Cooperation council administrating the Cooperation Agreement (2006) between LO (now FH) and DA, Cooperation Committees (Samarbejdsudvalg), Cooperation at workplace – according to the Cooperation Agreement, The National Employment Council (Beskæftigelsesrådet), Employment creation, employment policy issues, The National Working Environment Council (Arbejdsmiljørådet), Work environment, occupational health and safety, Regional and local employment councils (Regionale og lokale beskæftigelsesråd), The National Council for Adult and Further Training (Rådet for Voksen- og Efteruddannelse), Educational issues regarding citizens that need extra qualifications – competence development, Vocational training committees (Faglige udvalg), Sector/Branch Work Environment Councils (Branchearbejdsmiljø-udvalg), Working environment, work environment, occupational health and safety at sector/branch level, Danish Economic Councils (De Økonomiske Råd). Put in an EU-wide perspective, part-time work in Denmark is generally higher than the EU average. This profile describes the key characteristics of working life in Denmark. The agreement is based upon the number of years on the labour market until the age of 61. Fórsa says bargaining coverage in Ireland stands at just over 33%, less than … Regarding the vaccine roll-out, which has been one of the main focuses in 2021, there has also been agreement among the government and social partners. Sectoral bargaining was an element of the national pay agreement, Building Momentum, and provides for the establishment of a sectoral fund amounting to 1% of basic pay to resolve outstanding issues, with a payment date of 1 February 2022. Optimism about children’s or grandchildren’s future, With some difficulty, difficulty, and great difficulty, I feel I am free to decide how to live my life, I find it difficult to deal with important problems that come up in my life, When things go wrong in my life, it generally takes me a long time to get back to normal, I have come home from work too tired to do some of the household jobs which need to be done, It has been difficult for me to fulfil my family responsibilities because of the amount of time I spend on the job, I have found it difficult to concentrate at work because of my family responsibilities, Tension between different racial and ethnic groups. Over 40,000 became unemployed during the pandemic; particularly young and unskilled workers (1.8pp increase compared to 2019). Explore our data pages by country to find out more on the situation in Denmark. Eurofound research finds that some types of work organisation are associated with a better quality of work and employment. Rules concerning work for 13–15 year olds and below 13 are administered by the Danish Working Environment Authority. Rest and break periods of different length follow the prevailing rules in the Act of the Working Environment of 23 May 2002. The work environment committee, along with board member representatives, are other important channels for employee representation at workplace. There are three employer organisations in the public sector covering collective bargaining in the state, local government and regional government. We use administrative data from Portugal, linked to collective bargaining agreements, to study the interactions between wage floors and wage cushions and quantify the … In 2020, 15 tripartite agreements were related to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and the first agreement, being a temporary wage compensation scheme, was passed merely three days after the first lockdown. Most information is available in English but some has been translated to facilitate access at national level. Eurofound and Cedefop (2020), European Company Survey 2019: Workplace practices unlocking employee potentia l , European Company Survey 2019 series, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. Health is an asset closely associated with a person’s quality of life and longevity, as well as their ability to work. Therefore, developing or introducing different forms of work organisation are of particular interest because of the expected effects on productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of companies, as well as on workers’ working conditions. This section looks into collective bargaining in Denmark. and Pihl, M.D. Those still showing up for work could experience greater stress. Teleworking became a widespread phenomenon. The level at which bargaining occurs has implications for productivity and … If the pattern continues as estimated, the Danish youth of today can expect the highest retirement age in Europe. There has been an increase in long working hours between 2000 and 2010. There is no Labour Code in Denmark and legislation is minimal regarding the regulation of the Danish labour market. The national data given above are from the annual Labour Market Report of Confederation of Danish Employers (DA). The definition of night work is a period of seven hours and must encompass the period between midnight and 05.00. Job quality. sectoral) level and local/company level is determined by the wage system in the sector. The employment contract has to be issued within four weeks of the start of the employment relationship. In Denmark, tripartite consultations normally take place on an ad hoc basis. Denmark also has the lowest share of people having ‘difficulties to fulfil family responsibilities because of work’ at least several times a month, standing at 24% in 2016 and lower than the EU average of 38%. There is no reason to believe that the cooperation between the government and social partners will change going into 2022. The figure includes coverage in the private as well as the public sector – 74% and 100% respectively. Consists of The Economic Council and The Environmental Economic Council. In the so-called minimum wage area (which covers 80%), only the minimum wage increase is settled at central level, while the actual wage increases are negotiated at company level. The employer pays the first 30 days of leave, and then the municipality takes over the responsibility for sick pay in relation to the act. According to the pace-setting collective agreement, the Industry Agreement, five weeks sick leave with full pay is granted to employees with six months of seniority in a company. The EU’s long-term budget, coupled with NextGenerationEU, the temporary instrument designed to boost the recovery, will be the largest stimulus package ever financed through the EU budget to help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe.

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